Thanks to all for posting here, I really appreciate your feedback, both supportive and critical.
Now some news. I've changed a job this week, the 3rd time this year.

After quitting the 1st company, the boring one, I worked at the 2nd, let's call it the evil co. Salaries were low and the bosses were mistreating everyone, but it was temporary for me, and I learned a lot. Then I moved to another city and came to the 3rd company, of 2 founders and 4 employees including me. Everything was fine untill we were out of orders and cash. The founders said we needed to find different jobs in 3 weeks, and so I did. A little bit sad - I liked it a lot, but I've found a very good offer.
Needless to say, my CV now looks a
lot better than in March, and salary is much higher than in the boring company.
So... it paid off.
A curious story that one should take the opportunities
Wednesday, I've been to a company that needed Python programmer. They required Django, that I only started learning recently, but I decided that it's better to try anyway: maybe I could impress them with other skills, experience, etc.
I was straight and told that started trying Python this spring, and hadn't worked with Django for production. They asked to solve some twisted problems on programming, then we talked a little on what I know and what I worked with, and in the end they were really quite impressed. We agreed to contact Friday.
Next day I was invited to an interview, Friday too. Ok, why not try, - I thought, - I could do that just for training. So I came and talked to them, solved some tasks, and so on. In the end of the interview they offered me a position, a good salary, and I could start as soon as I wanted.
Few hours later I got rejected by the Python company. (Prolly, they weren't as impressed as I imagined). That was quite polite of them to write me, so that I hadn't to wait&guess.
Never negate an opportunity.