This sounds strange - are you sure you did not install the full version twice? Because the (2) shortcuts should only appear if you do another full install. This is the first time we've heard that a patch install somehow got into that "double install" support function designed for the full version.
I got 2 shortcuts when updating too (I checked box to create shortcuts because I thought it wouldn't create these another time if they're present). And got it both times, when updating from 25Z to 26Z and from 26Z to 27Z. I use W7 x64
OK I've found out what's going wrong. The "old" RA in in the public version uses the lx animations.
The "new" RA with a new setup for the new physics uses its own animations.
So those animations I included have no effect at all. Sorry for the confusion.
It's not an easy change to make because the driver sits higher in the new version as well. For now we just need to delete the animations from the patch.
Unlocking the game client has nothing to do with voucher codes (the ones used to purchase a licence). If you somehow used an actual voucher for unlocking a different LFS account, you're doing it wrong. Unlocks and vouchers are completely separate, and you get more unlocks every week up to a maximum of 2.