The online racing simulator
Training lesson word wrapping bug [fixed]
I found a bug with word wrapping in "South City overtaking - LX4" in Czech. There's a word "Charakteristická" in the text file, while in-game it's wrapped as "Charakteristick á" on two lines.

See the attachment, it's the 2nd line in Tips section.
Attached images
Quote from Flame CZE :I found a bug with word wrapping in "South City overtaking - LX4" in Czech. There's a word "Charakteristická" in the text file, while in-game it's wrapped as "Charakteristick á" on two lines.

See the attachment, it's the 2nd line in Tips section.

I think that's the way LFS does it. I guess it's just wrapping the words to the next line, no exceptions.
But it seems that only this word is wrapped, it wraps long words badly. However, I've redone the sentence, so it looks OK now.
#4 - yaper
I think that LFS can threat some national characters as white spaces, causing to wrap it just up to that character.

In Polish translation, I spot that it can sometimes wrap so unsuccessful, that the single dot is moved into the next line. See attachment.

So, looks like there are some bugs in word wrapping routines. For me, words should be wrapped only at SPACE, ENTER, TAB. But not at comma, dot, colon or national characters.
Attached images
It also seems that the full stop in the 1st paragraph is wrapped, according to your attachment. But if I change the word "charakteristická" to "charakteristicka", it makes no difference, so it doesn't affect only characters with non-English characters.