Tonight will be the last qualification session before the race on Sunday. I will repeat the qualification rules here:
1. Both drivers from a team should set a time. The grids are sorted on aggregate time first.
2. If a team fails to set 2 times, they will be set at the back of the grid, sorted at that time.
3. If a team does not set any time, they will be set behind the group described in 2, sorted by starting number.
4. A team should set their times on one server, you cannot let driver 1 drive on server 2 and driver 2 on server 1. (This is independant from the server you drove on last Sunday.)
5. You can only have 1 car on track at once.
6. Please be carefull, don't drive in the way of other drivers.
Qualification will start at 21.00 cest. The password for the servers can be obtained by querying Frankmd on #moe at GameSurge IRC or by sending a PM on this forum, or by sending an email to admins @at@ mastersofendurance dot eu
Tonight will be the last qualification session before the race on Sunday. I will repeat the qualification rules here:
1. Both drivers from a team should set a time. The grids are sorted on aggregate time first.
2. If a team fails to set 2 times, they will be set at the back of the grid, sorted at that time.
3. If a team does not set any time, they will be set behind the group described in 2, sorted by starting number.
4. A team should set their times on one server, you cannot let driver 1 drive on server 2 and driver 2 on server 1. (This is independant from the server you drove on last Sunday.)
5. You can only have 1 car on track at once.
6. Please be carefull, don't drive in the way of other drivers.
Qualification will start at 21.00 cest. The password for the servers can be obtained by querying Frankmd on #moe at GameSurge IRC or by sending a PM on this forum, or by sending an email to admins @at@ mastersofendurance dot eu