The online racing simulator
The New '09 Round 3: Pre-Race Discussion
Hello racers !

Talk about Round 3 of the 2009 MiniFBM Series here. Remember that this race was rescheduled from its original date back in October due to low attendance. It is still classified as Round 3.

Track: South City Town Modified (SO5) (GET LAYOUT)
Server Arrival Deadline: 17:55
Qualifying Session (20 Minutes) Start: 18:00
Sprint Race Start: 18:30 for 8 laps
Feature Race Start: (Approximate) 18:55 for 16 laps

Server Name: NDR|MiniFBM 2009
Server Password: (See PMs)

Now, as part of our website, I'd like your folks' help in testing something for us - online registration system. You'll need to do a few things, that are all mostly harmless.

1. Go to and click on "Register" on the lower left hand side. If you're already on the site, please edit your profile to fill in some new fields that were added - preferred number(s) and team info.
2: After you activate your account, login and click on "Events Registration" then click on "MiniFBM 2009 Round 3" You should see your number name etc autopopulate if everything goes correctly - it takes from your profile. Click "Register" and you should see your name there.
3: Report any issues you observe or comments in our fourms there on that site in the general section :P

The goal is to do most, if not all, series signups and race confirmations through here - easier than tracking a thread in the end. Also it can autofill your infos so it's easier on you as well :P

The layout has changed since we last tried to run this race, mostly for safety and a bit of openness of the circuit.

It's also reccomended to get the that amends some of the chalk to curbing to make things look cooler and a bit of help...i've placed some "curbing" to help guide etc. I've attached what I have here.
Attached files - 341.5 KB - 273 views
Quote from dekojester :

1. Go to and click on "Register" on the lower left hand side. If you're already on the site, please edit your profile to fill in some new fields that were added - preferred number(s) and team info.

I don't know if it matters but it could be helpful to use the same username as your LFS account. Maybe it is irrelevant, if all the forms require you to enter your LFS username
Just change the names in user manager Joe and email the people to tell them what you've done
You know I'd never have time to send out that many emails, because I'd be having dinner .
#6 - J@tko
#7 - Rikje
I signed up at the site, it looks good although I noticed a couple of typo's during the registration. ( reguarding iirc)
Quote from Rikje :I signed up at the site, it looks good although I noticed a couple of typo's during the registration. ( reguarding iirc)

I don't see what you're talking about.

Unless you're just nit-picking the non-UK spellings, but that's just being silly.
Please don't tell me you spelled regarding with a 'U' :doh:
Quote from JO53PHS :Please don't tell me you spelled regarding with a 'U' :doh:

how the hell can you do that? :O
By being called Jonathan Palmer?
It's spelt reguarding, UK can die.
Why did you take the guard off in the first place, now that you're reguarding it?
It's always been regarding
If someone could point to me where this "error" is, they get a virtual cookie and I go hunt where to change it at :P

Quote from Rikje :noticed a couple of typo's during the registration. ( reguarding iirc)

Or is this unchangeable because our registration system was pre-made by some other moron?
Quote from JO53PHS :Or is this unchangeable because our registration system was pre-made by some other moron?

With any time, I can change ANYTHING in the site :P

It's just html/css/php/MySQL
Do go ahead

Why don't we have this conversation on MSN?
Quote from Rikje :I signed up at the site, it looks good although I noticed a couple of typo's during the registration. ( reguarding iirc)

I have found that in the email template for the RSVP component and have removed the extra "u" :P


I'm home for the first sunday evening ever.