The online racing simulator
Hi Racers,

Please find attached the 2010 iTCC Rules. Please note that they are incomplete - a decision will be made on the ballasting system, following the results of the Pre-Season Race.

Please read thoroughly and comply with the rules set out therein.


Joe Keaveney - iTCC Admin

iTCC 2010 Rules


There are two championships in the iTCC - the Driver's Championship and the Team Championship. Drivers score points towards a Championship by finishing in point-scoring positions at each of the races in which they compete. (See Points Scoring)

Drivers Championship - all drivers are eligible. The cumulative total of the points they have scored in all races that season is their Championship points.

Team Championship - drivers who form a team of 2 cars, with a unique team name, are eligible. The drivers in the team must remain in that team for the entirety of the iTCC season. No substitutions are permitted. The drivers of that team add their Championship points together to score points for the Team Championship.

Points scoring

Points system: 12-10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, with 1 point for Race 1 Pole Position, and 1 point for fastest lap in each race.
Should any round be reduced in length full points will still be awarded unless the race is declared null and void.
All races shall count towards each championship


Drivers must post in the sign-up thread with ALL of the required information otherwise entry will not be accepted. For Round 1 entries, they are to choose a car number between 2-199. Drivers who take part in the championship for the first time in round 2, shall use a number >= 200, new drivers at round 3 shall use a number >= 300, etc

The top 15 in the championship before each round shall be 'locked-in' - that means they automatically qualify for that round. (For Round 1 this means the top 15 from the previous year). All remaining spaces required to make up the total number of starters shall be contested by a Pre-Qualification System. Only the top 50 from Pre-Qualifying will make it through to the Reserve shootout(s). The fastest 15 drivers from the Reserve Shootouts, along within the 'locked-in' drivers, will form the grid for that iTCC round.

The Car

FXO GTR (FXR) with 32% voluntary intake restriction and voluntary added mass where appropriate (added mass position is free for drivers to choose)
Any driver found without their required ballast or mandatory 32% air restriction shall be excluded from the race, and if found during qualifying shall have their times up to that point disallowed.

No driver may use R4 compound tyres for any official session


Each car skin must have the iTCC numberplates with the correct number on it as published in the sign-up thread. No driver will be allowed to drive in an official session without at least having uploaded a skin to LFS World containing their correct numberplates as required.

iTCC Round Timetable

1 week before iTCC round - Server password PM'd to all competitors

0001 UTC - Thursday - Pre-qualifying opens
2359 UTC - Saturday - Pre-qualifying closes

Sunday of each raceday

1630 UTC - Reserve Shootout 1
1700 UTC - Reserve Shootout 2
1745 UTC - All iTCC Competitors to be on Race Server - or risk their place being taken by a driver from the reserve list
1800 UTC - Qualifying - 15 minutes
~1820 UTC - Race 1
~1850 UTC - Race 2
~1920 UTC - Race 3

There shall be a break of at least 5 minutes between the end of the previous session and the start of the next race.


Between Thursday and Saturday preceding the next iTCC round, all drivers not 'locked-in' must join the iTCC server and complete their fastest lap. The top 50 drivers from Pre-Qualifying will make it through to the Reserve Shootout(s).

Reserve shootout(s)

1 or 2 x 20 minute qualifying sessions, depending on the amount of drivers signed up to race
ONLY the drivers invited to the Reserve Shootout (No 1 or No 2) are allowed on server during that Shootout.
Session 1 starting at 1630 UTC, numbers 1-49 (including those 200-249, 300-349 etc) should take part in this session
Session 2 starting at 1700 UTC, numbers 50+ (including those 250-299, 350-399 etc) should take part in this session
Telepitting and drafting allowed, bumpdrafting is not.
Results of the 2 sessions are combined, and the fastest drivers will proceed to the main qualifying session to make the total number of starters for that track


15 minute qualifying session, starting at 1800 UTC
Telepitting and drafting allowed, bumpdrafting is not.
Drivers should not exit the pit lane with insufficient time in the session remaining to complete their outlap

The Grid

Race 1 grid is determined by Qualifying results
Race 2 grid is determined by Race 1 results, with retirements joining at the back in order of laps completed
Race 3 grid is reversed from a random number between 6 and 10 inclusive, the rest of the field per Race 2 results with retirements joining at the back in order of laps completed
There is to be no unnecessary chat in the lobby after the first car has been placed on the grid, until all cars are in their rightful positions
The maximum number of starters is 31 except at South City where only 29 cars may start

Race starts and false starts
All races are standing starts
There will be no lag lap unless notified by the Race Director
Chat is automatically closed once the first red lights appears or when the Race director announces chat is closed
LFS shall determine false starts and penalise drivers accordingly. If a driver is spectated, they may rejoin from the pit lane once the race has started.

Race finishes and classification

Drivers are to slow and complete an in lap (without overtaking anyone still not finished the race) and park in a pit garage, while the top 3 drivers should park in the designated podium area
Chat will be opened once the final car finishes the race, or when the Race Director announces the race is complete
Only cars which cover more than 90% of the number of laps covered by the winner and which cross the line under their own power will be classified

Success ballast

Late-entry ballast for drivers who did not compete in pre-qualifying after round 1, at the series admins discretion.
Ballast shall be given for the following positions:
1st - 42kg
2nd - 35kg
3rd - 28kg
4th - 21kg
5th - 14kg
6th - 7kg
After each race the ballast weights will be scrapped and recalculated; ballast will not be accumulated.
Before each round, the top 6 in the championship will be given ballast, and shall carry the ballast for qualifying and race 1 at the next round
For races 2 and 3 at each round, the top 6 in the previous race shall carry ballast

Pit lane
Entry line: guideline, will enforced only if notified beforehand
Exit line: crossing will receive a DT penalty
The pit lane is open at all times; under Safety Car the pit exit will close while field is passing - at the end of the pit exit blend line drivers must fall into line with the main field.

Safety Car

The Safety Car will be used if there is an incident on-track from which the affected driver(s) cannot self-recover back to the track or pits. The affected driver MUST NOT Shift + S or Shift + P. He must type '$sc' to alert admins to his situation

When the message 'SAFETY CAR DEPLOYED' is displayed, drivers are to cease racing for position and fall into line behind the Safety Car, no more than 5 car lengths apart but leaving a suitable gap to the car ahead.

Overtaking or overlapping is NOT allowed, unless directed to by the Race Director or if a car slows with an obvious problem.
The Safety Car will remain in operation until at least the majority of competing cars on the circuit are lined up behind it.
Before the restart, the field will be given the instruction 'SAFETY CAR COMING IN THIS LAP' by the Race Director. This will be given to the drivers before the final sector of the lap.
Once the restart message is displayed, the leader shall continue to hold Safety Car speed.
The Safety Car will pull away, and when it reaches the pit entry the GREEN FLAG will be displayed. Overtaking remains forbidden until the start/finish line is passed. It is at the discretion of the leader when he chooses to accelerate to take the restart. Once he has started accelerating, he must not brake or lift off the throttle (except for natural slowing points). Drivers may not: jump the start, fall back and subsequently gain a significant speed advantage on a restart, or begin an overtaking manoeuvre before the green flag is shown.
The first 3 laps under the Safety Car will not be counted as racing laps, and will be added on to the total race distance.

Red flag

The red flag will be shown (or will be assumed to have been shown) if the race server crashes. The Race Director may also call the red flag if there are a large number of disconnections or if there is an incident blocking the track or involving the majority of the field.
Drivers should cease driving at racing speeds and return to the starting grid area (if possible) and wait for further instructions.
If less than 2 laps have been completed by the leader: the race will be null and void and restarted from original grid positions over the full race distance.
If more than 2 laps but less than 75% have been completed by the leader: the race will be a two part race, with the results at the end of the second part.
a) Server failure: the race will be run over the remaining race distance minus 1 lap, from a standing start, with the grid positions taken from the previous lap, minus any drivers who had retired before the red flag (however not including those affected by the server failing). The original part shall only be used to calculate the grid positions for the restart, however incidents maybe still be looked at from it.
b) An incident blocking the track or involving the majority of the field: cars will stop at the starting grid area if possible or before the incident. Cars unable to make it back to the pits in a reasonable time will be spectated. The Safety Car will lead the cars around for the restart, following the Safety Car rules.
If more than 75% has been completed by the leader: the Race Director has the option to not restart the race, in which case results will be taken from one lap previous to the red flag, minus the drivers who caused the red flag (if applicable).

Driver Behaviour/Penalty system

‘Race Hard, but Race Fair’

Warnings and/or Penalties will be given for:

Driving in an unsafe manner, and/or displaying a general lack of awareness of other cars/track conditions;
Disregarding of flag, track status, admin instructions or these rules;
Obtaining an unfair advantage (whether intentional or not);
Causing an avoidable accident;
Spectating from a race session when not permitted to do so;

In-race penalties: DT, SG (if in last 3 laps) 30s, 45s
These may not be served during a Safety Car period
After-race penalties: official warning, 30s (DT), 45s (SG), time (up to 60s), lap(s), -1, -5, -10 points, exclusion, grid penalties, series disqualification
May be escalated for repeat offences


Drivers who wish to raise a post-race protest for an incident in which they were directly involved may do so in the protests thread after each race. The admins however may also instigate their own investigation if they feel it is necessary.


Unofficial results and championship standings will be issued soon after each round and will become official once all protests and investigations have been resolved.
Attached files
ITCC_Rules.pdf - 83.6 KB - 383 views
#2 - J@tko
Quote from Joe_Keaveney :It is at the discretion of the driver of the lead car when he chooses to accelerate to take the restart. Once he has started accelerating, he must not brake or lift off the throttle.

Except for normal braking points?
I guess this means on the start-finish straight. But that's not 100% clear.
This is a copy and paste from last years rules so it may change before the start of the season
Quote from J@tko :Except for normal braking points?

Ooooh, you pedantic git I would have thought if you're cruising around at 70-80 MPH you won't need to brake anyway.

But yes, except for normal braking points.

I'm locking this thread as I just want it to contain the rules. Cheers guys!
Rules amended for 2010 iTCC Season.

Please read the new rules thoroughly and make sure you comply with them

Cheers guys

Joe Keaveney - ITCC Admin
This thread is closed