Well I dont have any pics or vids personally, it is a very interesting track - made more-so by the inclement weather which provided wet but drying conditions throughout the race.
Practice was pretty much awash and after one of my team mates had some difficulty finding the pit entrance I only had about 3 laps of it, I qualified the kart in second with a hotlap that involved a spin. I still barely knew what direction to turn in when my team made the decision to start me first because I appeared to be quick.
Ahead of me was Mercedese HPE, the guys who build the F1 engines, and he was quicker which meant I pushed harder than I should have and I ran out of skill at the end of lap 1 and dropped to fourth. I quickly retook 2nd however but the lead was gone.
We had a compulsory 9 pit stop race, so no sooner was I getting a handle on which way to turn and where I could brake in the conditions then I was coming into the pits to change driver.
I next took over the kart in 5th position about 50 minutes into the race. It was still very wet. I absolutely handed the field a royal ass thrashing and was taking Zulu flat out. I did the first sub minute lap time of the day, around 10-15 second a lap faster than anyone else on the track at the time.
I brought the kart back in in 2nd position about 20 seconds down on Mercedese HPE.
Toward the end of the race to make the number of stops up I did another little stint, in which I got to deliver a signed and sealed "i'm really very quick you know" overtake to the Merc driver who was quicker than me at the start when I was still learning the track.
Final result was 2nd, I didnt get fastest lap because I wasn't out at the end, but my times where really not very far off what the guys out at the end where doing.
I'm really very proud of how quick I was, by the end of the day my team of office workers where a good solid team of drivers. Actually one of my bosses was particularly quick and not far behind me on pace. The other guys in the team did enough to maintain our target which was to finish in a trophy position.
Of course i'd really have liked to have won, not least because this was my first time out since my old team mate from my enduro karting days died recently, but all in i'm quite happy with a 2nd position that turned a lot of heads and earned a lot of respect within an industry that is by all accounts a butch male dominated arena of testosterone.