[tL] Team-Less www.team-less.tk
[tL] is looking for people to fill the Staff pistions of the Community. We are looking for 18 or older (Mature Members) to fill the fellowing Staff.
Global Moderator
Moderator(s) x2
Graphic Artists
Community Liaison
If You wish to Join this Community please feel free to PM Me the fellow infomation or Register at http://team-less.proboards.com/ and post the fellowin in Generial - Discussion.
Full Name:
Team(s) Member of:
Staff Pisiton applying for:
Do you have any experience as a Staff member rather as a team staff member or a league staff member?
If yes where and what rank?
NOTE: if Applying for Graphic Artist All I ask is that I see Five items you have done and you don't need the last two questions filled out.
[tL] is looking for people to fill the Staff pistions of the Community. We are looking for 18 or older (Mature Members) to fill the fellowing Staff.
Global Moderator
Moderator(s) x2
Graphic Artists
Community Liaison
If You wish to Join this Community please feel free to PM Me the fellow infomation or Register at http://team-less.proboards.com/ and post the fellowin in Generial - Discussion.
Full Name:
Team(s) Member of:
Staff Pisiton applying for:
Do you have any experience as a Staff member rather as a team staff member or a league staff member?
If yes where and what rank?
NOTE: if Applying for Graphic Artist All I ask is that I see Five items you have done and you don't need the last two questions filled out.