Hi all. I´m the "object" of this post.
1-: Many people here talk nonsense, whitout to kown the true. :mad:
2-: I try to explain in my bad enghlis why I do that. I only would check if a bug can be possible to upload to the LFSW. "PoC"
3-: I Inform in my forum (LFS Spain) & LFS Forum, here:
http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=8186 so read firts to talk, The post is in his correct place (Bug Reports - Bug-Tacks) not in a general
4-: I only try to help to improve this GREAT game.
5-: I´m not a Cheat, don´t forgget this.
6-: especial thanks a Eldanor and Phlos to undesrtand me.