So when I download something from it looks like this...
Anybody can tell why is it like that?
It's so slow... I'm not sure how is it downloading from other sites...
I'll check it soon.
Thanks in advance
Go to and when it gets to the end of the test click on the 'copy forum link' option and paste it in here by pressing CTRL V so we can see the speed you are achieving.
Incidently, i just did a speedtest and mine is nearly 3x faster than i have ever seen, i usually struggle to get past 1 meg or so, but not tonight!
Yep, looks like amp and nitro have the most logical answers lol, the provider, RS in this case deliberately slowing the DL speeds down in the hope that it will annoy you enough to get a premium account, marketing eh.
I was starting at the bottom of the causes list with my suggestion earlier, i forgot that rapidshit do that.
If you don't mind putting up a link to what you are downloading then i can try it and see what speed i can get.
I don't have any account with RS and its downloading at about 2.4mbps here.
And as for linking to warez, i agree with amp88 about it as it is in the rules and i know that you shouldnt really do so, but come on, lets get real shall we.
A simple google search will bring up anything you care to download, plus things like limewire and morpheus, not to mention utorrent,etc... even youtube and a sound recorder and you can have an album done in a couple of hours plus a large %age of people are totally aware of this, and download or record stuff in this way i imagine, even if they don't admit to it.
Its comparable to 15+ years ago with a tape deck trying to record favourites from the top 40 charts off the radio but having the immense, and some would go so far as to say superhuman skill to hit pause late enough to capture the whole song but early enough so as not to get the presenter talking at the end, it is just a more technologically advanced way of doing what amounts to the same thing.
When you create your own piece of software that you're trying to sell you can allow people to link to whatever you want on your forum. The problem is that if the devs/mods allow people to link to pirated music on their forum how is that any different to allowing linking to game cracks (including those for LFS)?
This is true amp, but with music piracy being so ridiculously easy and commonplace, the norm for the majority of the people on the internet, it doesn't even matter about links anyway as everyone and his pet budgie knows how!
It's similar to a certian mods site thats in existance, people know of it and probably use bits from it, but as you correctly say, don't shout about it.
On my machine speed was max but not constant. It was like on and off. Firefox told that it's 250kbps constant but it was really stopping. Firefox didn't told it.
It's the way they limit download speed. They give you e.g. 1MB at full speed, then they pause giving you the file for the time that would be needed to DL 1MB at limited speed (e.g. 24KB/s), when the time passes they give you one more piece, and it goes on.
Hmm lol, I thought those speeds were Megabytes/second. I was like "wtf, those are insanely high speeds!!!" Then I ran the test myself and realised it's Megabits