They can still access your profile data when your in Single Player (apparently) as you will still be signed into Xbox Live. It wouldn't matter if you bought cars priced at 5k. If they looked at your records and noticed your money going up and up without you racing, it would be quite obvious you were doing the money glitch.
so what im gonna do when i buy my 2nd xbox ( gonna be an elite this time though... i had the 2006 pro package ) , im gonna recover my GT, but then unplug it from the internet and do the money glitch, reach level 50, buy all cars, then plug it to xbl. =) that should fool em
Just finished and put up my version of the LFS logo on the storefront. Colored version under "Live for Speed." There's also a black background and white lettering combo and a white lettering and black background combo (under names "LFS blackwhite" and "LFS whiteblack").
I'll probably make a few more color variations if anyone asks. Gamertag is daknes69.
okay, i did the towel trick on my 360. it worked. for 15mins though. it was enough time to fall in love with the demo... i want the full game nawww....