A lot of people are asking for more realism in LFS. I do understand that, but where do you start? All the talking about how realistic LFS was made me buy the S2 licens. And what a surprise, its like "Need for speed" or something. No realism at all. Enjoy the game, but if you want realism there is rFactor(F3 mod) and the new GPL: netKar Pro.
I suggest you either tell us what you find unrealistic and why, or go trolling somewhere else. You had the chance to try the demo, so buying the license without testing beforehand is your own fault. Atleast LFS has a proper demo, unlike rFactor.
Hasn't the rFactor F3 mod been considered 'unrealistic' by the rFactor community for a while now? They're all doing Meganes which is, according to an rF fanboy I was chatting with recently, the only realistic mod available at the moment?
I'm all for constructive critisism, but there wasn't any in your post. wHich bit of LFS do you find unrealistic? The complex tyre model? The range of cars? Possibly the netcode?
I'm genuinely serious - I'd like to know which bits you feel are unrealistic and why.
I also want to know what you find unrealistic. I can't fin a single aspect of the game that is NFSU-ey (okay, drifting, but at least it's proper drifting, not like 'OMFGWTFBBQ!!! Look at that Civic drifting the whole track!!!!'). If any of the games written in the first post, i fin rFactor unrealistic. I hate ISI's engine feel. You drive and drive, you have no feeling to what the car is doing and then SNAP! The ass passes you. At least in LFS you can correct it a bit, depends on the car (not much correcting in the XRR, let alone the FZR, but the road cars are quite forgiving, same goes for the FXR, i don't drive open wheelers )
Back up evidence? All i did was express my thoughs about LFS and realism, i compared it with my real life experience driving a few race-cars. netKar PRO is undebatable my first-rate.
Yes, but the way you said it was just immature. If you're going to critisise somthing openly at least have some facts or evidence to back it up. I also, like several others here, have race and racecar experience, and whilst nkP isn't all that bad, LFS remains slightly better in my opinion.
Would you mind telling us what that real life experience extends to?
I agree with Primoz about the ISI engine. I don't hate it, but I have some criticism on it. Honestly, when you put in a good lap time, feel that you have taken a corner properly, you can't put your finger on how you did it. It's like you have no contact with the thing you see on the screen. Everything feels delayed, only a slight bit, but still enough to make a differnce.
This is also the reason why I've always felt a bit distanced to GTR and GTL. They are both great sims, but that ISI engine just doesn't float my boat.
I'm not an LFS fan boy but that's a trolling post if ever I saw one. There are some noob ends on this forum who can't take the slightest bit of critism of LFS, I'm not one of them but I'm telling you that LFS is not an arcade game at all. IMO LFS does present itself in a fairly arcadey manor, I'm not sure if I like LFS's style but certainly I don't like nK menus although the worst menus have to be the ISI ones. RBR/Papy are examples of how you can do menus properly in mainstream sims.
As for the physics ISI still feels like glorified SCGT to me. The Papy engine still feels rock solid and although dated you still understand what's going on and why. LFS is far from perfect but probably the best circuit racing sim. I think nK is right up there, it may well be better I've just not bothered to look at it since the LFS patch. TBH RBR rules the roost in terms of physics and driving feel IMO.
I've spent quite a lot of time in Norway, and i love it, it's possibly the most beautiful country i've ever been to. The people there are great too, really nice and friendly, and most of the women are gorgeous.
Unfortunately, there are exceptions to the rule.
You Sir, are an Idiot !
No, because of the way you say it. Is there anything constructive your post will achieve? Plus, are you anywhere near a world record time? I should think not.
As it should be, driving off the limit doesn't demand much. The moment you begin to approach the limit though, you can really feel that if you push one bit further you're about to loose control and that's where-in the fun lies. Finding that limit with knife-edge precision and practice. Especially when doing it around other cars. Take a world record or get within .5s of one and then come and tell me LFS is arcade.
Then again, with experience like yours, who needs to drive more than 25km online (as per your online race stats) to decide a game is arcade?
Let's see what you drove - Oh! Only the Formula V8 on Kyoto GP long... and oh look! You're 30s off the WR pace. That by all means qualifies you to judge the realism. Give it a good run and bring us some good times, then we might consider your criticisms. You may want to formulate them well also - it would make them constructive.
Neither of you is an idiot, but thinking that LFS is arcade is like thinking the earth is flat. Sorry but I think your definition of arcade needs a major overhaul. Also you don't give any reasons or explanations for your feelings, and going to the <sim> forum, saying that <sim> is stupid/rubbish/arcade and that <simXYZ> is much better without explaining yourself is trolling.
If you did the same on the rFactor forums (or any more active RSC forums section) you'd probably already have a warning or be banned.
@ajp: I agree that RBR is excellent, but you cannot really compare it to LFS or other "tarmac sims" for that matter. It's surely infinitely better on any type of road besides tarmac, but if you put it on a circuit it would lack much of the needed subtlety, IMO.