Hey Gills, can u do something like that for XFG? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUP0HVPmX2A Thanks in advance!
Quote from Nick. :Hey, do you think you could make a Volkswagen VR6 sound for the XFG? I've been trying but I just can't get it. I don't know if you have one yet either, but it'd be great if you do Here are some samples http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC5UfWo_FyY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpONrZ8GyZ4 bumpity
Quote from emtec323 :hello, i wondere if you could do a "toyota hilux" sound for the rb4? (diesel) thanks in advance! Oh for the mod you are using....
Quote from G!NhO :Oh for the mod you are using from the famous mod site.... actually not for me, but for a friend.
Quote from G!NhO :Oh for the mod you are using from the famous mod site.... hmm there is a famous mod site??? let me go google it right now
hello guys can some one try do this sound for xfg and xfr??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... lSmm0&feature=related that is Citroen Saxo VTS E1-1600
Hi, Would you be able to make a Crown Vic engine sound? Maybe something like this? E: FXO please. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF7VIOL0qfU Josh.
Hey racers/drifters, Can someone make this sound for the XRT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5RY6o5LaUA and for XRG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kaddz1n1raI and I use CSR so yeah.
the problem with mazda's is that they use rotary engines, which lfs doesn't have... you might find something close, but it won't sound quite right. edit: search gave me this - http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=941725#post941725
I'm working on a 13B for CSR, sounds utterly disappointing so far. Hard to get my hands on good samples
hi gill, could u make an M5 S85 sound for the FZR? thats an 40 valve V10 here is an soundclip; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHQEEncpmEo thanks!
Quote from kariim :hi gill, could u make an M5 S85 sound for the FZR? thats an 40 valve V10 here is an soundclip; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHQEEncpmEo thanks! I've had this for a while, doesnt sound really good but here you go Attached files FZR_V10M5.eng - 159.9 KB - 671 views
anyone mind sharing the file (i dont want to try to find it :shrug and gills, your 'not very good' is pretty much 'holy crap this is amazing!'
Quote from logitekg25 :anyone mind sharing the file (i dont want to try to find it :shrug and gills, your 'not very good' is pretty much 'holy crap this is amazing!' No really, it sucked nutsack.
Quote from logitekg25 :anyone mind sharing the file (i dont want to try to find it :shrug Also attached a XRG Diesel sound if you really want it Attached files XFG_GillsDiesel.eng - 202.1 KB - 916 views XRG_GillsDiesel.eng - 177.4 KB - 917 views
Quote from the_big_n00b :Where's the v10 Bf1 sound? Quote from Gills4life :No, very sorry. Anyway according to NapalmCandy that sound is shit and anyone could do better in 30 seconds. .