Lap and timecode of the incident: a few seconds before I crashed
Cars involved: 43, the laws of physics and a red and white barrier
Brief description: understeer, and a short flight
Lap and timecode of the incident : Lap 24, 17:14
Cars involved : #33 and #73
Brief description : After getting punted off by #19, #73 tries to recover ASAP and reverses his car into the racing line before the whole pack has passed. #73 then go straight into #33, sending #33 right into the bales. Although the incident costed a lot of time to #33, #73 failed to get the position back to #33 after the both cars fully recovered.
This protest is being replied to in this response to the administration instigated investigation of Incidents involving Cars 19 and 73.
On Lap 21-22, Car 73 holds back a large gap on Car 99 coming to the restart. Car 19 then makes a move to the inside through Turn 1, then makes a move up the right side of Car 73. Car 73 turns into the turn and contacts Car 19, spinning 19 and holding up 73. Car 73 is using follow view, which although not illegal per the ruleset, is considered in this case to be a large contributing factor and a dangerous view to use. Car 73 at fault for this incident.
On Lap 24, Turn 7, Car 19 is behind 73, and on braking, Car 19 shunts Car 73 up the rear, spinning 73. Car 73 then backs out of the way, possibly expecting Car 33 to go to the right side of the accident scene. He does not, and contact is made between Cars 73 and 33. Car 19 is deemed to have caused the initial avoidable incident, and Car 73 is deemed to have done a slightly unsafe maneuver while trying to recover from the incident.
In Summary:
Car 19 is issued a 30 second penalty for causing an avoidable incident in Lap 24.
Car 73 is issued a 1-lap penalty, and is placed on 6 months NDR probation. The lap penalty is for the avoidable incidents and unsafe recovery and chat during the race, and the probation is for the combination plus unsporting behaviours shown to attempt to intentionally affect a championship result by way other than hard, fair, clean racing. The probation is effective from 10 December 2009 until 10 June 2010.