Date: 12th December 2009
Time: 16:00 GMT
Length: 1 Hour
Track: Blackwood Rallyx (BL2)
Cars: XFG + XRG
Server: TBA(World crash league rally or World crash league rally2)
This is Joku's event idea, but I offered to write it for him because I find this kind of stuff easier. 1 hour Endurance race, XFG and XRG allowed. If you want to compete you must post on WCL forum ( ... viewtopic&p=1396#1396) in this format
Please do not apply to be in the event if you don't think you will be able to finish the race. 1h in XFG is very hard on tyres, and requires patience. Hopefully we can have a full grid of racers to make for a very fun race. We will look at PB to decide whether we let you race or not, and decide whether we think you will finish, if we don't you won't be accepted. Please do not be offended by this, but if you're not going to finish there isnt much point you being there, as it will end up with only 2 or 3 people finishing.
Hopefully this can be a fun event.
Server name will follow as soon as we know what server will be available.
To sign up, follow this link ... ;file=viewtopic&t=223
This is not the usual world crash league event, as hopefully it won't involve crashing. If you sign up and can't make it please let us know rather than not just showing up, it will make our lives a lot easier! Thanks.
Time: 16:00 GMT
Length: 1 Hour
Track: Blackwood Rallyx (BL2)
Cars: XFG + XRG
Server: TBA(World crash league rally or World crash league rally2)
This is Joku's event idea, but I offered to write it for him because I find this kind of stuff easier. 1 hour Endurance race, XFG and XRG allowed. If you want to compete you must post on WCL forum ( ... viewtopic&p=1396#1396) in this format
Please do not apply to be in the event if you don't think you will be able to finish the race. 1h in XFG is very hard on tyres, and requires patience. Hopefully we can have a full grid of racers to make for a very fun race. We will look at PB to decide whether we let you race or not, and decide whether we think you will finish, if we don't you won't be accepted. Please do not be offended by this, but if you're not going to finish there isnt much point you being there, as it will end up with only 2 or 3 people finishing.
Hopefully this can be a fun event.
Server name will follow as soon as we know what server will be available.
To sign up, follow this link ... ;file=viewtopic&t=223
This is not the usual world crash league event, as hopefully it won't involve crashing. If you sign up and can't make it please let us know rather than not just showing up, it will make our lives a lot easier! Thanks.