The online racing simulator
stunt driving trainer
(3 posts, started )
stunt driving trainer
since i couldnt find a layout like this i made one ... ;feature=player_embedded#

anyway, start out and go through the slaloms
turn right

ahead, is a parking space.
reverse 180 and back in.

next, U-turn and pull foreward into next spot.

then reverse until blue tires and reverse spin (i go clockwise if looked at from above)

next, drive to parallel parking spot and handbrake into spot by turning right

come out of spot ( i usually reverse, but its up to you) and go over ramps into barriers on other end of track

90* turn into slalom course and another parallel parking spot.
pull foreward through cones, 90* turn and go to finish.

i built the course using xrg, but xrt would probably work well. if you are good with FWD, try that too.

good luck & have fun
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dang, no replies yet... im sad
its very nice

stunt driving trainer
(3 posts, started )