My advice watch mr.Wong from mondo media at you tube.
The plot is rich woman have chinese butler and she treat him as a piece of shi

there is a lot of racist jokes and all.
Basically a lot of ppl say its racist and because of it its totally wrong.
Here what I think.
This show is made not to promote racism its made to show ppl racist behaviour and point how stupid it is.
This show is made to make fun of prejudices and racists pointing how retarded it is.
The same goes for south park a lot of ppl saying its makes fun of minority's and "f

But hey this is were you end up if you allow someone else think for you and instead of trying to think for yourself you catch and repeat slogans and phrases saying something is wrong because someone else said its wrong.
You my think that if something is wrong you should ban it and prohibit but if you go this way you end up opening path for censorship which eventually result in something like in Australia when rule 34 on Simpson is paedophilia and left4 death is banned so even if you 50 YO and want to play the violent game the country still thinks for you.
In UK for example BDSM is prohibited

And this when you thought that back then morality was more strict