The online racing simulator
pimp up my LFS
(18 posts, started )
#1 - a-k-m
pimp up my LFS

There are so many mods out there to improve graphics, sounds etc for LFS that I lost the overview!

I started with the Revolution Pack, then I installed single cars interior mods. Sometimes I found other graphical improvement mods. At the moment I really don't know if I overwrited some newer files by some older ones.

My question is now:

What would be the best, most recent and nicest looking improvements for LFS?

Which sound-packs, graphic-packs, interiors, other improvements could you suggest?

How can I make my LFS look like this:

or this:


By now I think that I've got a big mess with all the mods I've installed. I would like to tidy up a little, with the newest stuff.

Thank you for your help!

Greez André

P.S.: this one is also nice: ... 170374530/in/photostream/
Nice summary, now we only need a nice "addon manager" that handles it all and can revert all changes and so on.

I remember a manager for a flight simulator, that kept track of every addon you installed and so on.

I think i'm gonna try some addons this weekend, my lfs is still vanilla.
First things first, post up the specifications of your Computer.

Textures and whatnot are great, but to get nice Graphics in LFS, you need the Hardware to do so.

You don't need much to run LFS nicely. I have a Computer at work with;

Pentium 4 CPU 3.2GHz
512mb RAM
80gb HD
256mb Nvidia 7600GS
Windows XP MCE

As you can see, it is not a powerful PC in the slightest, yet it runs LFS at 1280x1024 (32 BIT) with 8xAA (Anti Aliasing) and 16xAF (Antistropic Filtering) at 75-80FPS, and can handle around 10-15 cars (depending on the cars and track) before it starts to stutter. Basically, anything with anywhere near these sort of specs should be getting pretty decent performance.

So, once the Graphics and Resolution is sorted out, you need to move onto Textures.

Without sounding biased, Lynce (lfsn00b posted his link above) really is the best texture guy on the LFS scene at the moment. Pretty much any of his textures around bound to make an improvement, but the ones that really make a difference in terms of screen shots and general gameplay are his reflection packs. They truly are amazing, and make the game look much prettier.

Also, if your LFS install is too cluttered, i would recommend saving your important files (e.g, ones you do not want to search for again) like skins and pictures, and then delete the old LFS install and download a new one. It would not take long to do this and get it all setup how it used to be. I do this quite often if i find my LFS install is getting full of old skins or files.
#4 - a-k-m
thx for the fast answers!

I will try the enbseries for graphical improvement.

I have all graphic settings set to maximum, so i think there will be no problem for the mods. lLynce reflection and texture packs are already installed. Also installed a nice sound pack. The cars sound nice now. What could be improved in sounds are the squeaking sounds of the wheels and the crash sounds.

My specs:

Geforce 8600GT 1024mb
2 Gb Ram
Pentium 4 2,3 Ghz

Greez André
I think LFS has some of the best sim graphics "out of the box" so to speak, and when racing you don't need to see every fleck and speck on the track or tiny detail of the dashboard.
The only reason I would consider installing any non standard textures would be for movie making.
Nathan has brought up a good point about HW specs, when reading about FPS probs in the tech support section many users neglect to mention they installed a load of mods into the game, and then wonder why they get FPS or other issues.

Also as this thread shows, it can get very confusing with the amount of texmods available, just looking at the 7 links posted above, while they all look great, I can't help thinking people will try to install everything, and end up with a mix match of stuff that is just slowing down both loading time, and fps.

If you like to watch replays a lot or are into movie making thats totally fine, LFSNoob and others here can give great info on whats best ITO, however if you like LFS for the great online racing and maybe don't know the limitations of your HW then the "vanilla" LFS is way better than most sims and more importantly plays best as it is.

A guy called DaveWS is the one you wan't when sounds come into it. I am trying to find his updated tyre and crash sounds on the LFS-Database, but it seems to be down yet again.

Give me a minute.

E: Dammit. Can't find it. Sorry.
#8 - a-k-m
unfortunately, the enbseries do not work. I can get to the main menu. But if I press any button eg. option or single player, the game crashes and i come back to my desktop. no error messages, nothing.
Same thing happens when I press shift f12 in the main menu.
I searched around the topic where I've downloaded it, but nobody seems to have the same problem.

Do you know a solution for this?
Quote from a-k-m :unfortunately, the enbseries do not work. I can get to the main menu. But if I press any button eg. option or single player, the game crashes and i come back to my desktop. no error messages, nothing.
Same thing happens when I press shift f12 in the main menu.
I searched around the topic where I've downloaded it, but nobody seems to have the same problem.

Do you know a solution for this?

I seem to have that same problem, maybe we have crappy graphics cards?
The enb series thing works on my old shitpiece of a pc (2002 medion mt5) which has a not very fast p4 2.53ghz CPU, and all i have done to it is upgraded to 1gb of RAM and fitted my ATI HD 2600 pro (AGP) GFX card and its fine running lynces revolution pack, loads of custom incar textures and gills sound addon pack, i run 1024x768@32 bit, with 8xAA and 8xAF and still achieve a playable 40 fps with 10-15 cars online, but any more than that (or excessive amounts of objects on auto-x) and i have to start turning stuff down or off to avoid a graphical lockup at T1, just turning the enb mod off brings it back up by about a third.

If racing on my own i can get about 65 with the enb mod on, and 90 odd with it turned off, so not bad for and old machine i suppose.
Quote from danthebangerboy :The enb series thing works on my old shitpiece of a pc (2002 medion mt5) which has a not very fast p4 2.53ghz CPU, and all i have done to it is upgraded to 1gb of RAM and fitted my ATI HD 2600 pro (AGP) GFX card and its fine running lynces revolution pack, loads of custom incar textures and gills sound addon pack, i run 1024x768@32 bit, with 8xAA and 8xAF and still achieve a playable 40 fps with 10-15 cars online, but any more than that (or excessive amounts of objects on auto-x) and i have to start turning stuff down or off to avoid a graphical lockup at T1, just turning the enb mod off brings it back up by about a third.

If racing on my own i can get about 65 with the enb mod on, and 90 odd with it turned off, so not bad for and old machine i suppose.

Who's that in your avatar? Lady gaga?
Quote from the_big_n00b :Who's that in your avatar? Lady gaga?

Offtopic much?
Doesent look like Lady gaga to me

Quote from danthebangerboy :The enb series thing works on my old shitpiece of a pc (2002 medion mt5) which has a not very fast p4 2.53ghz CPU, and all i have done to it is upgraded to 1gb of RAM and fitted my ATI HD 2600 pro (AGP) GFX card and its fine running lynces revolution pack, loads of custom incar textures and gills sound addon pack, i run 1024x768@32 bit, with 8xAA and 8xAF and still achieve a playable 40 fps with 10-15 cars online, but any more than that (or excessive amounts of objects on auto-x) and i have to start turning stuff down or off to avoid a graphical lockup at T1, just turning the enb mod off brings it back up by about a third.

If racing on my own i can get about 65 with the enb mod on, and 90 odd with it turned off, so not bad for and old machine i suppose.

You call that shitpiece?
my specs

Mobo: Epox EP-8K5A(I)
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 1800+ 1,54 GHz @1,75 GHz
GPU: ATi Radeon 9600 XT 128 MB Arctic Cooling ATi Silencer

And that runs lynces textures with full 6X AA and 16X AF on autocross at about 60 FPS
Quote from bmwe30m3 :
You call that shitpiece?
my specs.......

I think LFS is the only game where people get in a pissing contest as to who can play the game the best with the SLOWEST computer xD

A while back, I was between PC's and just had a shitty desktop. Played LFS on a Pentium 3 933MHZ and 256MB RAM. I was lucky to get 30fps just screwing around on my own with Tweak lol, but hey... It was fairly playable.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :A guy called DaveWS is the one you wan't when sounds come into it. I am trying to find his updated tyre and crash sounds on the LFS-Database, but it seems to be down yet again.

Give me a minute.

E: Dammit. Can't find it. Sorry.

i thought his sound pack was now the LFS standard (the one LFS uses by default). i could be wrong tho.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :A guy called DaveWS is the one you wan't when sounds come into it. I am trying to find his updated tyre and crash sounds on the LFS-Database, but it seems to be down yet again.

Give me a minute.

E: Dammit. Can't find it. Sorry.

DaveWS made some awesome tyre skid sounds which he updated a few times, the links are in his signature. Awesome because they are in tune with LFS. Ok so here they are. And some scrape and dirt sounds made by Brutalyst.

Here's what I use. I increased the volumes on some sounds to give more intensity when cornering as videos games lack G-Force. If you want them lower, turn down the audio volume slider - Skid volume boost.

File 01
SkidRoadHeavyMajor [increased volume]
SkidRoadHeavyMinor [increased volume]
SkidRoadHeavyPre [increased volume]
SkidRoadLight [increased volume]

File 02
ScrapeSoft (default)
SkidSand [increased volume]

File 02
SkidDirt [increased volume]
SkidGrass [increased volume]

Video Sample of Skids
Attached files
01 Louder_Skids (DaveWS).zip - 803.8 KB - 332 views
02 Scrape + Louder_Dirt_Skids (Brutalyst).zip - 1.7 MB - 286 views
so i have lynce's revo pack, and a bunch of other stuff also....mine is also pretty cluttered

the third link in the second post (this) is a little too blurred for my i will reduce that i guess. but is it a program that i have to manually open? as it is i have to open up VLFSDash, the profiler, and position both of those where they arent in the way, to open up another program isnt too bad, but meh

also the track textures one, i might have that does it have brighter curbs for fern bay? is that the one

pimp up my LFS
(18 posts, started )