Why did he need a long arm to knock out a taller guy? You know you can also knock someone out with a hit on his body and not the head?
Quote from G!NhO :Why did he need a long arm to knock out a taller guy? You know you can also knock someone out with a hit on his body and not the head?

Or a shin to the groin. That'll knock anyone down to the floor.
Quote from wheel4hummer :You're talking centimeters, right? In that case I'm 14. I really think most women don't care that much.

Think about it for a minute, if you hold your arm straight up, it adds about 2.5-3ft to your height, he was about 5ft4 the tall lad was around 6ft3 so for the small lad not to reach him he'd have to be about 7ft9-8ft4. FFS do i have to explain everything to you? Getting tiring, instead of pressing the post button maybe think for a minute BlueLame.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Think about it for a minute, if you hold your arm straight up, it adds about 2.5-3ft to your height, he was about 5ft4 the tall lad was around 6ft3 so for the small lad not to reach him he'd have to be about 7ft9-8ft4. FFS do i have to explain everything to you? Getting tiring, instead of pressing the post button maybe think for a minute BlueLame.

The first sentence was sensible, correct and polite words of wisdom. The latter 2 were not.
1) Me and the missus.
2) Me and the missus crude festive version
3) A picture of the gf without me getting involved ruining the picture

Feel quite chuffed. Surprised she even acknowledged that I existed let alone be my wifey.
Attached images
quality in the first 2 is HORRIBLE!
Quote from logitekg25 :quality in the first 2 is HORRIBLE!

Quality in the 3rd is terrible because its airbrushed.
Quote from Klutch :Quality in the 3rd is terrible because its airbrushed.

And she still looks like some weirdo on the tan beds.
Quote from logitekg25 :quality in the first 2 is HORRIBLE!

That's because there is one big mistake on both of them

Ghino, you damn whoreson, you don't deserve anything better than your hand!

But I still love 'ya

Quote from logitekg25 :quality in the first 2 is HORRIBLE!

Quote from Klutch :Quality in the 3rd is terrible because its airbrushed.

Quote from BlueFlame :And she still looks like some weirdo on the tan beds.

You guys are so nice! Someone posts a pic of a nice looking girl who they happen to be dating, and all you can do is criticize.

A+++ Would intercourse if chance raised.

Nice Gills.
Quote from The Very End :That's because there is one big mistake on both of them

Ghino, you damn whoreson, you don't deserve anything better than your hand!

But I still love 'ya

TVE it's not me!!! It was gills who posted. lol

To Klutch maybe you should try the airbrush thing yourself, it might even work for you.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Think about it for a minute, if you hold your arm straight up, it adds about 2.5-3ft to your height, he was about 5ft4 the tall lad was around 6ft3 so for the small lad not to reach him he'd have to be about 7ft9-8ft4. FFS do i have to explain everything to you? Getting tiring, instead of pressing the post button maybe think for a minute BlueLame.

Quote from BlueFlame :The first sentence was sensible, correct and polite words of wisdom. The latter 2 were not.

When the hell did you 2 ****'s get married?!

That kind of bickering...
Quote from G!NhO :
To Klutch maybe you should try the airbrush thing yourself, it might even work for you.

I'm perfectly comfortable with myself mate. I don't need to FAKE my pictures to make people think im good looking.
No i meant in real life.

There's Klutch's dream girl.

Actually no, this is.

So does this arouse you too?
What're you trying to do? lol

nothing you say is going to affect me, fail troll is fail
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Gills...

A+++ Would intercourse if chance raised.

I guess that could sort of work as a compliment Thanks mate..
forgot bloodstains

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