F1RST Racing's new year
2009 was a year of new challenges for F1RST Racing. For the first time in our history we are defending a championship title in the Masters of Endurance series, and changes in the staffing have effected in a neccessary change of approach. Now with the snow already falling on our website, and 2010 approaching fast, we would like to inform you about what happened behind the scenes and about our plans for the year to come!

2010 livery
First of all, we've been working on a new livery for our cars. The original design for our 2010 team livery was done by JJ72. He has been able to merge our requests into a livery that is both classy as well as aggressive; a pure racing skin! Thereafter it's taken us a long time to port the design to the other cars. A note of thanks goes to Everen & Hansi from life4pixel.com, and our very own Tommy Østgaard and Thomas Arends who have put in an amazing amount of effort there. Feel free to come find us on a public racing server to check out our new look!
On a side note, our livery for the 24 hour of Aston GP will be a mix of our previous liveries as "a tribute to a successful past", by Bas Bouma. So look out for more information on that, as the race approaches!

New domain name: www.f1rstracing.nl
Thanks to our fantastically supportive website host Virtual Dynamix from The Netherlands, we are now holders of a new domain name: www.f1rstracing.nl. The previous url was a little out-of-date as we haven't been 1ST|Racing since 2006. We think this new domain name is catchier than the original and it obviously reflects our "new" team name best.
Although the old name still works it would be nice if you could please update your links / bookmarks!
New IRC channel: #F1RST
Following the name change of our website domain, we decided to also change our IRC channel name to the catchier #F1RST on GameSurge. Feel free to [url="irc://irc.gamesurge.net/F1RST"]come chat with us[/url], discuss the races live or just to [url=http://www.f1rstracing.nl/viewtopic.php?t=149]have fun[/url]!
New members
We have been working on the recovery of the loss of two important members at the end of last season. Two months into the new season we have been able to sign four new members to the team!
In chronological order of joining:
Dino Ratcliffe - DR-Kyosho
Tommy Østgaard - Tomhah
Petri Purhonen - Sracer
Joe Holmes - kart-36
Social networks
Apart from our own website, we like using the social network websites to keep in contact with our friends. Feel free to join the [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/F1RST-Racing/169832558184"]F1RST Racing group[/url] on FaceBook, to discuss the latest news with us. And/or you can follow us on [url="http://www.twitter.com/F1RSTRacing"]Twitter[/url]!
Masters of Endurance
A silent and relaxing summer has seemingly done our top drivers good, as we've started the new Masters of Endurance season on a high: with a second place in the first round, and two wins in a row thereafter (6h of South City and the 6h of Westhill International), we're leading the championship standings halfway the season, with an 8 points margin!
So with a new look, new domain name and four new members, each with their own skills and position in the team, we think we have built a strong foundation for another successful year of league racing, and most importantly, for the challenge of defending our GT1 title in the Masters of Endurance!
From everyone at F1RST Racing, we'd like to wish you a wonderful holiday season and a successful 2010!
source: [url]http://www.f1rstracing.nl/news.php?newsitem=106[/url]
2009 was a year of new challenges for F1RST Racing. For the first time in our history we are defending a championship title in the Masters of Endurance series, and changes in the staffing have effected in a neccessary change of approach. Now with the snow already falling on our website, and 2010 approaching fast, we would like to inform you about what happened behind the scenes and about our plans for the year to come!

2010 livery
First of all, we've been working on a new livery for our cars. The original design for our 2010 team livery was done by JJ72. He has been able to merge our requests into a livery that is both classy as well as aggressive; a pure racing skin! Thereafter it's taken us a long time to port the design to the other cars. A note of thanks goes to Everen & Hansi from life4pixel.com, and our very own Tommy Østgaard and Thomas Arends who have put in an amazing amount of effort there. Feel free to come find us on a public racing server to check out our new look!
On a side note, our livery for the 24 hour of Aston GP will be a mix of our previous liveries as "a tribute to a successful past", by Bas Bouma. So look out for more information on that, as the race approaches!

New domain name: www.f1rstracing.nl
Thanks to our fantastically supportive website host Virtual Dynamix from The Netherlands, we are now holders of a new domain name: www.f1rstracing.nl. The previous url was a little out-of-date as we haven't been 1ST|Racing since 2006. We think this new domain name is catchier than the original and it obviously reflects our "new" team name best.
Although the old name still works it would be nice if you could please update your links / bookmarks!
New IRC channel: #F1RST
Following the name change of our website domain, we decided to also change our IRC channel name to the catchier #F1RST on GameSurge. Feel free to [url="irc://irc.gamesurge.net/F1RST"]come chat with us[/url], discuss the races live or just to [url=http://www.f1rstracing.nl/viewtopic.php?t=149]have fun[/url]!
New members
We have been working on the recovery of the loss of two important members at the end of last season. Two months into the new season we have been able to sign four new members to the team!
In chronological order of joining:
Dino Ratcliffe - DR-Kyosho
Dino accepted our invitation after his strong performance in the annual 16 hour race. Initially his joining was in collaboration with his previous team TDRT, but after their withdrawal from the Masters of Endurance, Dino can now fully focus on league racing with us!
Dino: "its great to be part of such a team as F1RST and I look forward to all the great races and results with this great team"
Tommy Østgaard - Tomhah
Tommy has had a noisy history in LFS. It seems he wasn't able to find a team where he could nicely settle. We have always respected his race skills, his dedication and his great personality and after he left SRLT, we thought this was the right time to offer him the opportunity to find a true home where he can use his many skills to the maximum.
Tommy: "To be a member of F1RST Racing is a dream come true. When I started to play LFS, I was astonished by the professionalism and everything else with this team, and hoped that I one time in the future would be a part of it. I'm really happy to get this chance, and I will prove that I'm worth the spot. I am sure I will improve and learn a lot here, as these guys are really helpful. Last, I want to use this opportunity to thank all my friends who have been supporting me, you know who you are."
Petri Purhonen - Sracer
We don't think the legendary name 'Sracer' needs a lot of introduction.. Petri is well respected for his managing skills, race craft, car setup knowledge, skin designs and last but not least his kind personality. We're eager to see all these skills used on our team. Petri will assist the Masters of Endurance GT1 squad, not in the last place from behind the steering wheel!
Petri: "F1RST Racing is a good reputation having team, and most of all it's a winner team. Since I'm only interested in winning, joining the team was eventually the step I decided to take. Knowing most of the team members already played a role when the decision was made. New team always brings new challenges in different areas but I'm confident that I'll settle in nicely."
Joe Holmes - kart-36
Joe is relatively new to LFS, but has managed to impress us with his great speed in the front-wheel driven cars (he is currently leading the UF 1000 ranks!). And after a few test drives in the faster rear-wheel driven cars, we're convinced Joe is someone with a promising future in LFS. His racing talent is combined with a competitive mind, great motivation and kind personality which is why we think he is a great addition to our team!
Joe: "I would just like to thank the team so much for asking me to join, it's so great to join one of the best teams in LFS (if not the best). I would also like to say a huge thanks to all the members for giving me a nice warm welcome! It feels so great to be part of such a successful team and I think that the guys here at F1RST will help me out a lot and make me a faster driver. After playing this game for a few years now, I have finally joined a team that I am extremely happy with. Thanks a lot guys!"
Social networks
Apart from our own website, we like using the social network websites to keep in contact with our friends. Feel free to join the [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/F1RST-Racing/169832558184"]F1RST Racing group[/url] on FaceBook, to discuss the latest news with us. And/or you can follow us on [url="http://www.twitter.com/F1RSTRacing"]Twitter[/url]!
Masters of Endurance
A silent and relaxing summer has seemingly done our top drivers good, as we've started the new Masters of Endurance season on a high: with a second place in the first round, and two wins in a row thereafter (6h of South City and the 6h of Westhill International), we're leading the championship standings halfway the season, with an 8 points margin!
So with a new look, new domain name and four new members, each with their own skills and position in the team, we think we have built a strong foundation for another successful year of league racing, and most importantly, for the challenge of defending our GT1 title in the Masters of Endurance!
From everyone at F1RST Racing, we'd like to wish you a wonderful holiday season and a successful 2010!
source: [url]http://www.f1rstracing.nl/news.php?newsitem=106[/url]