The online racing simulator
Why have I started losing connection to online games?
For the past year I've rarely had any connection issues when playing online, but since Sunday, I've either been unable to join a game or I've joined it and managed to drive for about 7-8 seconds the it tells me I've lost connection to the host and returns me to the multiplayer screen (This happens for every game I choose).

Can someone help me figure out what is going on?
#2 - amp88
Contact your ISP and ask them if they're throttling any activity on your connection. Sometimes ISPs will filter traffic and decide to block or severely restrict certain classes of data (e.g. P2P downloads, gaming actitivity).
check your cables and hardware (router?)
could also be an overheating issue, a filter/z blocker issue, people working/digging up the street or road near you, or maybe you have installed a new phone somewhere in your house?
a new user on your network maybe stealing bandwith?
installed any new programs like P2P etc?

could be a number of things try to think of what has changed about the same time or just before the problem started to occur.

good luck