It's f--king hammering down with snow here, NOT good for driving in!
The roadster is the worlds biggest b@stid to drive in this sort of weather,
The main roads are OK as its melting and is mainly slush, but the road into my estate, i swear nobody has driven on it since it started snowing about 6pm, and although there is only about 2 inches of snow, it is VERY slippery.
I slowed to a complete stop just coming to my road, turned in, using no throttle, gently off the clutch, on tickover, up to about 2mph if that, and... we are going in a straight line towards the big kerb, so, the tiniest blip of the throttle (raised the revs to just under 2k for about half a second) opposite lock (still at 2mph remember) and... we are facing the other way.