Indicate the ride height
(12 posts, started )
Indicate the ride height

Would it be possible to indicates the ride height ?
I'm not sure whether I'd want that, how do you mean exactly?

Do you mean as something you can alter on a sliding scale or just something that shows the ride height based on your setup? Ride height isn't usually altered by itself, rather as a result of altering other suspension settings.
Except when you are adjusting the ride height explicitly, hey Nick? Like on racing cars?
Yes, you can alter the ride height directly, but that usually has an affect on weight distribution and so on. NFS games and such just allow you to alter it to make your car look "cool".
Then again, I only work on oval setups in the real world so maybe circuit racing is different......
I usually base my ride height by how stiff the suspension is. It is not necessary to know how high the car specifically, as long as the car doesn't bottom out and I have the right weight distribution.
Erm, the ride height doesn't affect the weight distribution. It might alter the corner weights (wedge in oval racing), but the ride height changes at each corner are very small to achieve this.

Ride height is something you alter directly, and with intent, to work with everything else - spring rates, circuit layout, kerb profiles, roll centres... It is a shame that LFS gives us "Ride height reduction" which is fairly meaningless, whilst nKP simply lies (i.e. set the F3 car to 15mm front ride height and it'll be bottoming out immediately.

Yes, it is necessary to know the height specifically - how else will you ever repeat the wonderful handing you one day find yourself with if you don't know how the car was set up?
Quote from Nick Brad :I'm not sure whether I'd want that, how do you mean exactly?

Do you mean as something you can alter on a sliding scale or just something that shows the ride height based on your setup? Ride height isn't usually altered by itself, rather as a result of altering other suspension settings.

just something that shows the ride height based on your setup
Drive around in singleplayer or hotlap mode. Save a replay. Watch the replay and, before the lap you want to analyze begins, click Output Lap Data (or something like that) in the Escape menu. At the end of the lap, the data output will stop automatically. Close LFS and open f1perfview. Load the .RAF file you just created. Pull down the Y-axis menu and select Maximum Suspension Travel.
Quote from tristancliffe :Yes, it is necessary to know the height specifically - how else will you ever repeat the wonderful handing you one day find yourself with if you don't know how the car was set up?

Save the setup, lol. That isn't possible in the real world, (unless you save the settings in a file on your laptop,) but in the game it is, so therefore it's not an essential thing in my view at the moment. I feel that if it's set as something that can be altered directly, you'll end up with loads of boy racers just dropping the car to the deck and then complaining because it handles like a turd, even though they've "lowered the centre of gravity".
People can still "drop it to the deck" with the existing ride height reduction thingy!

And the first part:

a) Yes, you do save setups. Every time I adjust ANYTHING on the car I write it down. How else are you meant to learn?

b) In reality you also learn trends. You'll get a feeling for how much ride height does what, or goes with what fuel load or whatever. Sure, once you've found that and linked it with the current system of ride height reduction you can do the same thing, but surely it would be better to use a measureable figure - ride height - rather than a made-up "ride height reduction".

There is no good argument why ride height reduction is used over the actual ride height value, other than that's how Scawen original worked it all out from a 'static model' from which we can raise/lower the chassis.
Thanks Forbin,

But I hardly see what I mean.

And I'd rather have direct information on lfs.

For now, we have the long travel suspensions and hardness, including the ride height should not be a magician to them and information would be interesting.
that nobody cares to see the ride height?

Indicate the ride height
(12 posts, started )