AI Setting Pb's while not on track
(20 posts, started )
AI Setting Pb's while not on track
This has happened to me twice in one week.
I am in multiplayer mode, but choose to start my own game, and make it 'hidden' so I can practice but still record any pb's i might set.

I am playing alone, noone can join, and no AI cars are on the track

But as I cross the finish line, I get a pop up "AI1 has set PB"

On west hill, while diriving the BF1, I get the message

"AI1 has set PB: 55.22" ! !

Impossible time to boot. Again, there were no AI cars in the race.

Earlier in the day, I had been racing, in single player mode, against some AI, but I say again - there was no other car on the track while I was in multiplayer mode.

Not a huge deal, but I thought I'd point it out. It actually made me laugh.
Has happened to me. Twice. Once, there were other people in the race as well. I have the mpr, if one would like to look at it. (we need a search engine for mpr/spr so we can search in them for specific messages cars drivers etc...)
There was already a thread about this and I believe, the answer was, that the message is sent to every server, when an AI driver drives a pb on any track with any car on a multiplayer server.
moving thread to LFS in-game bugs. It's really impossible that you receive pb messages with a (weird) AI name in it from LFS World. It's just not possible, so it'll have to be something else.
#5 - Krane
I've seen that aswell couple times on public servers, but I thought that was server admins fooling around or something like that.... No one had the name AI
#6 - Renku
Yes it is very much possible, I see these messages from time to time. IIRC there was one during the MoE live stream today.
I originally moved this to the websites bugs section because LFS itself doesn't have any "PB" things implemented. So, presumably it must be from LFS World, seeing as LFS can't possibly generate the sentence "AI1 has set PB".

But... Victor says that is not possible. Anyway, if it was from LFS World, it would have said something more like "LFSW : AI has set a new PB xx.xx". I don't know where "AI1" could come from - are you sure it said AI1, or just AI...?

So it's quite confusing. Do you get these same messages if you save the MPR and watch the MPR? That would be good for debugging. If not, could you get a screenshot or a message log so we can see the exact text?
#8 - Renku
I don't have better proof than this (see attachment), picture taken 29.11.2005.

PS. Ignore the text that comes after 2:55.07! I asked my fellow racer: did you also get this text?

Edit: Found another screenshot on RSC: ... 2564019&postcount=211
Attached images
yes its definately possible...experienced that quite often already.
its always funny coz there actualy is no A1 on track/server and the other funny thing is the impossible time they're driving i remember gettin this message with some 50,XX pbs on AS North Rev yesterday
Ok, those two screenshots are 100% proof that the messages come from LFS World.

I wonder if it happens at the same time as one of the racers on your server gets a PB, and somehow the AI's PB message (which should be cancelled by Victor's code) gets jumbled up with the real racer's PB message and posted to the server where the actual racer who got a PB is racing.

Or can it come up when no-one crosses the finish line at all...?

I will move this back to websites bug forum because it's LFS World that generates those messages and "mails" them to a host, via the master server.
it normaly doesnt come up when someone is setting a new pb...iam not 100% if it comes only when somebody is crossin the finish line....but this AI pb is very random...if it comes up the next time i'll check exactly if somebody was crossin start/finish at the time.
and save a replay please

i'm logging all pb messages now, so if you see it happen, post about it here and I'll see if LFS World indeed sent an AI pb message.
I also got such a AI pb message some time ago (with no AI on the server), but forgot to save the replay.
Am I the only one who finds it's funny that Scawen says that it's impossible that it's coming from his part of the game, and Victor is saying it's impossible that it's coming from his part of the game? Clearly Eric is at fault then
I also have seen that message from time to time online.
-and normaly its a pb thats impossible to drive on what given track im online at.
Don't know if its of any relevance here....but i see this msg on Demo servers.....with no AIs on says "AI1 is idling"
Quote from Victor :and save a replay please

Though these LFSW messages aren't recorded to replay. I have always wondered why that is?
victor is logging all messages so just save the replay
lol WGooden
but fo some reason its last race was 12 april but i saw it 2 weeks algo already...thats some strange shit i tell u

edit: also many laps and wins and shit but no KM driven?! and no hosts

AI Setting Pb's while not on track
(20 posts, started )