The online racing simulator
I miss the days of cutting through the sand and grass after the long straight at BL.. trying to hit that 1:35 lap time in the XFG.

Or Andre's public Oval server where winning a race or not saying hello would get you a perma-ban!
South City's pitlane being on the other side
And there also being a huge f*ck off bump at the chicane on SO1
How about, before the test area and car park where accessible, except to those that knew how.....

When the BL rally track, last straight (off the back straight) was flat and had large(r) banks.

When you could find Popeye at BL...

Learning how to get on the roof of the building behind BL pits.

to name but a few.
the funny drift setups
The day that this thread was made...

and when Failure had half as many laps as he does now.
Quote from rappa z :the day that this thread was made...

And when failure had half as many laps as he does now.

The ticker..... I miss it.... gave LFSWorld a "live" feel

Navigating just right between the poles in the autopark and driving in lala land...

the bump draft debates...

the clutch macro debate...

The spinning top physics glitch, where you ended up balanced on your nose spinning all the way down the straight on BL1

The T1 tree and guardrail in the old BL1
fall a sleep on FM oval Junkies in the middle of race
Boy, I realise how old I am In the time i've been playing LFS i've worked for a start-up that sold to Oracle, I moved from crappy Aylesbury in England to San Francisco, i've got married, had a son and bought an Evo 8... this thread really brought back some memories of old LFS... my addition?

- Being able to submit screenshots of ingame action and having them added to the LFS website.
One of the things I still remember (which is slightly irrelevant) was when Tristan had a Stratos in some car mag and if the sun was at the right angle, while a crow chewed on your left foot and a spider monkey wearing green shorts sat on your right shoulder, you could see him at the wheel of it. That lucky bastard.
Feeling old now.
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
...the first time the Schickoko was mentioned in conjunction with LFS
Quote from senn :yeah i found it after finding "Racer" (is that even still being worked on anymore?) haven't looked back

Yep! That's EXACTLY what I did too. And yes Racer is still being worked on. The only reason why I found racer was because I was looking for racing games that I could play with a Mouse and on Linux. I found Racer, ran that on Linux just fine. Then I found LFS as that also allowed mouse use, but was 'Windows Only.' Needless to say, my first taste of LFS was in Fedora Core 3 and I fell in love with the way the mouse control system worked! Still do infact, if I had a computer that could keep up with the 32 car grid AS / FOX combo I would be kicking ass and takening names right now on the FM server with my mouse ... But alass, I sold my gaming computer and I'm left with a 4 year old think pad that's now going to take me though medic school. (Wow, did that go off topic or what!)

Anyone remember the McLaren F1 controversy, and how EVERYONE wanted that Mod? (God, I would still kill to race a McLaren around here.)
threads u started...and forgot completely about until someone bumps them a couple years later..

Live For Speed S2 Alpha 0.5P

Demo Racer People were using XR GT Turbo's in Drag Racing and someone were hackers and made 267km/h in Blackwood Straight
Quote from morcs :I remember a racer who was a bit of a wildcard recording himself singing Buddy Holly by Weezer, who was that?

Edit: rich_uk?


Have the longer version too with the midi music, but forum doesn't like it
Attached files
rich-uk - Weezer - buddy holly.mp3 - 1.4 MB - 221 views
I still remember that it was possible to make the wheel base wider.

Long time player if you can remember when only visa was supported and you sent money to Batterypark who at the time handled delivering S1 licenses for visaless players.
Whenever, before Q and @ Q we could do 1.32 and stuff anytime I dont remember how tho
and, if you remember when about 5-10 servers were at all, with no mroe than 2 players or 3 each
and if you remember that the track width was changable
Quote from Matrixi :(Finns)

Long time player if you can remember when only visa was supported and you sent money to Batterypark who at the time handled delivering S1 licenses for visaless players.

And Janezki. IIRC I bought S1 via him.

I don't think this has come up yet, loong loong time ago we had about as good looking dials as we have now, but they were mirrored if you drove LHD.
Is the Blockwood Guru still alive or starving to death cause of the lack of updates?
- Skins were made easier to put on cars and selectable ingame.
- The MacEst-SpecialAid-PC-4-XMas 03
- some of those stories hidden in those pics attached
- Henk and his written comments:
Attached images
^^ LOL, there was already a Scirocco in the old days (2nd picture, nineth driver)