Over here there's no explicit hazard perception test as such, it's part of the regular theoretical test. For the B-class (passenger cars) there are 1514 questions out of which you get between 56-ish and 68-ish (not sure exactly) depending on their point value (1, 3 or 5) and whether or not you get the follow-up (worth 1 point for a 1 point main, 2 for a 3 main and 3 for a 5 main), which you only do if you answer the main question correctly.
You're always presented with 4 answers in random order, between 1 and 4 of them are correct.
You've got 45 minutes for the entire test, but if you take more than 10 you're almost certainly going to fail.
The record is 100% correct in 3m48s or something like that, definitely under 4 mins. I did it in 5m57s, also 100%