The online racing simulator
Game Problems With Screen
(3 posts, started )
Game Problems With Screen
Hello all I downloaded the Demo. I went to play it and it runs but when i click it i see the game for about 2 seconds then my monitor goes into standby mode and goes blank and the light on my monitor goes red. I would appreciate the help.

Ok it sounds like the game is running at a refresh rate which your monitor cannot support (or a resolution which your monitor cannot support).

So do the following to get the game working properly:

Goto your LFS folder that you extracted and in that folder you should see a file called cfg.txt. Open that up and look for the line that says

Quote :Screen Info 0 60 1024 768

Now, that "0 60 1024 768" part might differ in your file. It could say something else. Edit that line to say:

Quote :Screen Info 0 60 800 600

That should work. Then if you go and startup the game everytime, it will be using 800 x 600 resolution at 60 Hz refresh rate.... which is a resolution and refresh rate that practically all monitors should support.

If you want higher resolution, go into the Options menu and then click on Display. You should be able to set your desired resolution there. I would recommend 1024 x 768 if you have that option.

Good luck.

Also, if you still have trouble, please attach that cfg.txt file here in your reply. That can help us find a problem too.
Thanks!! IT works, wow that was fast too!

Game Problems With Screen
(3 posts, started )