im guessing it started spinning until at some point the top of the booster broke off from the vibration and rotation and the thing started burning out boths ends
Another One bites the dust!!!! Dam Aliens anyhow trying to bring a wormhole here
without the proper permits " Russians dont play that game they blasted them Aliens
its wierd i know we're a gazillion miles away from that but i saw the biggest flash ive ever seen around that date at around 6 in the evening and the sky was absolutely clear, no clouds at all.
but it follows all the rules you have to follow when making up a conspiracy theory: Cite as much sources as possible (nobody follows them, but looks serious), exact (unexaminable) dates, many facts and numbers and some fancy graphics and pics
Interpret it at will, use your imagination.
Though.. you have to agree strange stuff is going on "today", stuff we`re not supposed to find out about in a million years. Like what happened to Lerts' umbrella.
I knew that mountain looked familiar.. "they"`re playing Half Life on us. :hide:
So this is really going on..