Well, it's about time I finish my post that I started awhile ago until the kids started screaming and crying and had to close out.
Who do I list here? There aren't many of us in the US/Canada (though I think the US base is growing lately) and I'd have to say the majority I see are all OK. I can highlight some of the teams and racers:
Core - All of the Core team. Excellent bunch of guys along with their two new recruits Bee and RMachucaA. Though I haven't seen a few of them lately. Where's Borbor been?
LOTF - Marsh2a, bdshan, Jethro, nmanly. The highlights that I see often. Of course the other members are great, but I just don't see them very often and can't think of their names.
[noobs] - another bunch of good guys, always fun on their server. And I'll even include th84 in there just because he listed my name, hehehe (j/k

Mercury Racing - Another outstanding very fast team. I can't remember names because I know some of them as the old names they used and some with the new names they use. Sidi, G.Swan, E.Parent, of course W.Gooden who I always forget joined Mercury, SimS, Storm... Again, I may have listed some folks twice with their old and newer names.
Nassa - AtommAnt, wow, when it comes to remembering everyone's names, I stink. I know there's another Nassa member that I know.
dSRC - the only name I can pull off the top of my head is GenerAl. Great guy and fun to race with. There's another dSRC member I've seen quite alot, but can't think of the name, LOL.
GURU - I joined this "club" way back but it happened to be UK based and I didn't participate in anything, so I left. Great guys there too. I recieved alot of help during my infancy with LFS from them. Gimpster, Maverick, DDMak, LazerFX, Rough Rida to name a few.
The CRC guys - Always have good races with Stoney, 180SX, bbuck, Robt, Kringle.....
Blacksheep - Rafo and Wobbly. Is FOG no more and/or changed to BS? There were a few other FOG members but cant remember their names.
Folks I have raced with in NAL league that I didn't list in the teams above, CombatWombat, Tweak, ZeroR, Keebler, Raige, CWMax, Sweet Reid, Cargo, Dygear, starry, Ziploc, Zman003, etc....
Some others who I'm not sure if they're in a team or not - Smack!!! Who doesn't know Smack. Is he still around? His loud mouth abnoxious hooting and hollering attitude always puts excitement in the air (I'm saying loud mouth abnoxious hooting and hollering attitude as a good thing

). Same with Cropsy, everyone knows him. Haven't seen Cropsy around for quite a while either, though I think I did pop in a server not long ago with him. Gabkicks, Gas-Hugo, Turbo-Love, Modoff (where's he been? and is he still 400?). Have to list Maggot. Recently met him and see him alot. We seem to run similar so I always have a good race with him. I have a group of replays with Maggot that I renamed "excellent racing" so I could make sure I didn't delete them. Dan Hot and Rooster were the other two in those replays that I should list here as well.
Can we list demo racers? Just want to toss Torvince and SpaceEcho in there. I remember them from way back and when I go "slumming" on the demo servers every now and then, they're still out there. The Fusion guys are cool too, though a good many of them are now licensed.
I've listed quite alot of names. These are the most dedicated that I see almost nightly. There are quite a few I haven't listed as well, but can't seem to pull them out of my head. Of course, if you know you should be on my list, sorry I didn't put your name here. Not everyone is the fastest in my list (me included), but they are all dedicated and a pleasure to be racing against.
That's good enough for now, I have to go to bed.