I must honestly say, this thread has changed my life. Never have I ever experience such self-enlightenment when it came to these kind of manners. I used to be a very shallow person, who would never go into such things and who would have probably lived a very meaningless life. I was just so luckily to stumble upon such an inspiration to everything. I began a walk down a path of enlightenment which would also lead me to happiness and self accomplishment. Pretty much, to make me at peace with myself. I immediately started to feel the difference, I got happier and even managed to finally put to rest a few skeletons in the closet. Now most would probably say that what I have just told is simply nothing but a lie. But I say to you, I was once in the same place but now, I'm a new man! I strongly recommend this thread to anyone
Hey! I wasnt that bad lol. Anyway I've been out since June, working my butt out 48 hours a week, trying to have a life in between and offcourse party like an animal.
Now I'm putting money aside for studies but also for my 2nd car which I'll buy around Spring 2010: a 2005 Ford P71. Right now I'm still driving my piece of crap Corolla, e-braking all around the universe.
riders motion you canadian cu.nt wtf why this thread get a fcuking life none of us care ok. just get off the forums and go put your head in a bucket and die harsh but noone likes you the water might freeze over then you will die a quite painful death which is good and if that doesnt appeal to you then attach your genitals to a bunjee cord tie it too the top of the highest building you can find then jump off and try and do a live strwam so when i watch you die and can laugh so hard i may shit myself