here's one of my favourite edits. I'm not finished yet, I want to make this edit as 1997-ish as possible. Also left a "pencil sketch" of the same edit, which imo looks a bit too realistic. Enjoy and please give constructive criticism!
It's due to size issues, because my original edits are around/more than 2Mb in size. Changing them to .jpegs are my method for reducing that size into LFSForum's standards (since I have no experience in embedding the proper high-res pics).
It was probably someone else, I only posted one proper edit for a Photomode Competition a year ago , so I'm not that good, as much as I hate to admit it.
Yeah, I didn't put that much effort in the blur. I was only worried about the wheelspin effect and nothing else. You might be probably talking about the lens focus as well, and yeah I didn't put that much effort in that one either, since the car should've been the sharpest object in the edit, and there shouldn't be no circle around it, should it?
I'm just exploring and Corel Photo Paint's features and plugins. The only things I like in that artistic sketch are how close to the Laguna the car's front-end looks like and how well-drawn the tyre-stacks were anyway.
Is there any other chance of improvement in this screenie?
Is LX6 a render, or is it from LFS? Just asking, because I see these grain thingies, when you don't put enough samples + the numberplate really looks like rendered + the hood, but I might be wrong.
Other than that, nice edit. I'd prefer it without b&w background, but colorful, but that's just me.