Im hoping you can help me with my problem because if not theres a chance im F***ked!
I was given a new computer for christmas and it has HDMI out, so last night i decided id take out the VGA cable from the back of my tv. After about an hour of twisting the cable, because one side of it was stuck in my tv, i managed to get it to come out, only problem is that all the pins are bent and it's now unusable.
But at the time i didn't care becasue i was going to be using HDMI from now on. Plugged my HDMI cable into the back of my TV and into the back of my computer and POW, im greeted by uglyness.
It's a bit hard to explain but the image quality is now extremely bad, it looks as if somebodies come in messed about with the contrast, set the brightness up so it hurts my eyes, made everything extremely sharp and then set the quality to B*ll**ks.
I've spent ages messing about with all the settings in the NVIDIA control panel but alas, nothing has helped.
Does anybody know what could be causing this?
Im hoping to fix this because i dont think i can use the VGA input in the back of my tv, im sure it mustve been bent or damaged when i was forcing out the VGA cable.
My Computer is an
Acer Aspire M5201
My TV is a Samsung LE32A656A1FXXU.
Please Help.
I was given a new computer for christmas and it has HDMI out, so last night i decided id take out the VGA cable from the back of my tv. After about an hour of twisting the cable, because one side of it was stuck in my tv, i managed to get it to come out, only problem is that all the pins are bent and it's now unusable.
But at the time i didn't care becasue i was going to be using HDMI from now on. Plugged my HDMI cable into the back of my TV and into the back of my computer and POW, im greeted by uglyness.
It's a bit hard to explain but the image quality is now extremely bad, it looks as if somebodies come in messed about with the contrast, set the brightness up so it hurts my eyes, made everything extremely sharp and then set the quality to B*ll**ks.
I've spent ages messing about with all the settings in the NVIDIA control panel but alas, nothing has helped.
Does anybody know what could be causing this?
Im hoping to fix this because i dont think i can use the VGA input in the back of my tv, im sure it mustve been bent or damaged when i was forcing out the VGA cable.
My Computer is an
Acer Aspire M5201
My TV is a Samsung LE32A656A1FXXU.
Please Help.