The online racing simulator
The lights look proper, but when i apply lighting the lights go weird.
Here a new render with a new skin,
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Quote from bmwe30m3 :The lights look proper, but when i apply lighting the lights go weird.

Car is too bright IMO. I think you could use some photoshop too
Quote from leonardo555 :Go to and download one xD

Ohh no turbosquid is too worthy

I prefer Victoria 4 from DAZ 3D studio wich is free and really beautifull. A must have
Quote from wax78 :Ohh no turbosquid is too worthy

I prefer Victoria 4 from DAZ 3D studio wich is free and really beautifull. A must have

Nice choice =]
Quote from BasBas :Here a new render with a new skin,

Its nice, but lightning between car and environment is wrong.
Quote from leonardo555 :Car is too bright IMO. I think you could use some photoshop too

Real men dont use photoshop, but if you use then
Quote from bmwe30m3 :Real men dont use photoshop, but if you use then

There's nothing wrong with using Photoshop for post-processing and color correction, it's more efficient way of doing it than re-doing a whole render for small tweak. In this case however, image editing won't fix the problem of unmatching reflection map on the car that is not in line with the background.
(leonardo555) DELETED by leonardo555
Scirocco render.
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Have a floor! if u see u can look a reflect on the floor. May be u see the a dark pic.
Quote from Loko VEN :Have a floor! if u see u can look a reflect on the floor. May be u see the a dark pic.

I see nothing
Quote from Loko VEN :Scirocco render.

Ok. Over 9000 mistakes lol (ok not so bad). Wheel looks like blenderish a bit, because they have that plastic look. Headlights are not in complete darkness. Even if they reflect ....they light the space where they are. Car never has so dark windows. http://content.wallpapers-room ... no-Studio-Front-Angle.jpg

Reflections must be a lot softer, but yeah its that lowpoly machine. I dont know about that horisontal line in back of a car, but maybe your studio has it. Ok. Where are your brakes ? Do you use clay brakes ? Brake caliper ! It also is just black without details. Grill in front of car would be better if it is 3D. Texture kind a kills it at this view.

To sum up , skin is very nice. Good job afterall. Maybe next time look some reference pictures to find actual thing.
Ive got a problem with Blender.
Yesterday i made a new LX6 scene, but i made the first render and found a problem with the brake discs, it isnt transparent. I tryed different textures, but the problem almost is there. Here give you some screens, maybie you can help me.
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you sure they are actual holes, instead of like black dots?
Quote from Bose321 :you sure they are actual holes, instead of like black dots?

are you sure brake discs have black border?
I attached the in my post, i hope it help you
EDIT: now i tryed another texture with a trasnparent background, but the problem is already there.....
Quote from luckytuner :Hi,
Ive got a problem with Blender.
Yesterday i made a new LX6 scene, but i made the first render and found a problem with the brake discs, it isnt transparent. I tryed different textures, but the problem almost is there. Here give you some screens, maybie you can help me.

Cut the black parts out in photoshop, make them transparent and then save it in .PNG! That's what I did, and it worked, but you should cut it properly, or it will look like shhh...
Thanks AndRo it worked.
Tried fryrender, I have to say that it's really a great thing and easy to use. Attached my try with VWS, also I've modeled front grill. It's still much work left to do with it, many bugs left
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Hi guys, I know I'm a demo user, and I know most of you guys hate demo users, but i have a question. I'm busy creating rims right know, and i want to know if you can give a certain area a specific material, because when i create the rims in solidworks (i know i should learn creating them in 3ds max, but it doesn't work for me) and export them to 3ds max, i only get 1 color, not the different collors i used in Solidworks, so could someone plz help me

3D LFS renders
(8243 posts, started )