WORKED Great!!! tyvm now im off to work on finishing the beta... i dont have a server to test it on tho :P
openPrivButton( "Cruise_HUD_Cash",2,140,20,5,12,-1,32,strFormat( "^7Cash: {0:C}",GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash" ) ) );
SWITCH( $command )
CASE "!top":
# Top( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,FALSE,FALSE );
CASE "!near":
# Near( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,FALSE,TRUE );
CASE "!topqual":
# topQual( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,TRUE,FALSE );
CASE "!nearqual":
# nearQual( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,TRUE,TRUE );
$colsplit = $col[COLOR=Red]S[/COLOR]plit . " ";
$colsplit = $col[COLOR=Red]s[/COLOR]plit . " ";
openPrivTextButton( "id_of_button",origL,origT,15,4,4,16,"Give your input","txt in button",30,goto_sub );
SUB goto_sub( $myinput,[COLOR=red]$id[/COLOR] ) [COLOR=blue]# <-- Is this posible??[/COLOR]
cmdLFS("/msg $myinput: " . $myinput );
cmdLFS("/msg $id: " . $id );
CatchEvent OnLapperStart() # Lapper Event
GlobalVar $a_username_array;
GlobalVar $a_nickname_array;
GlobalVar $a_finishedpos_array;
GlobalVar $a_points_total_array;
GlobalVar $a_license_array;
GlobalVar $a_race_points_array;
CatchEvent OnRaceStart( $NumP )
cmdLFS("/msg Hier ben ik er nog 1");
FOR ($l=1;$l<=32;$l=$l+1)
cmdLFS("/msg Hier ben ik er nog 2");
$a_username_array[$l] = "";
$a_nickname_array[$l] = "";
$a_finishedpos_array[$l] = 0;
$a_points_total_array[$l] = 0;
$a_license_array[$l] = "";
$a_race_points_array[$l] = 0;
cmdLFS("/msg Hier ben ik er nog 3");
CatchEvent OnLapperStart() # Lapper Event
GlobalVar $a_player_infos;
CatchEvent OnRaceStart( $NumP )
FOR ($l=1;$l<=32;$l=$l+1)
cmdLFS("/msg Hier ben ik er nog 2");
$a_player_infos( $l,"username" )= "";
$a_player_infos( $l,"nickname" )= "";
$a_player_infos( $l,"finishedpos" )= 0;
$a_player_infos( $l,"license" )= "";
$a_player_infos( $l,"points" )= 0;
CatchEvent OnRaceStart( $NumP )
$list = GetListOfPlayers("U"); # List sorted by userName
FOREACH( $uN IN $list)
unSet( $CurrPly );
$CurrPly = GetPlayerInfo( $uN );
$CurrPly["my_finishedpos"] = 0);
$CurrPly["my_license"] = "");
$CurrPly["my_points"] = 0);
|Changes from v5.836 to 5.837|
1. Add GLScript command for User Event
setUserStoredValue( key, value )
This function store the value associated with key and username
You can use this to display a topUser
2. Add GLScript command for User Event
getUserStoredValue( key )
This function retreive the value associated with key and current username
You can use this to display a topUser
3. Add GLScript command for User Event.
topUser( title,key,mode,argv );
-> title = Title of the Top displayed
-> key = Key used to retreive corresponding values ( limited to 50 characters )
key = "Champ1Race1"; // Display top for the specified race
key = "Champ1Race%"; // Display top for the specified Champ
find all value and make a sum by player where key begin with Champ
you can also write it with key = "Champ1%";
'%' Replace a part of a string in retreiving values
You can make more complicated structure
key="2009Champ1Race1" // Find result for race one in Champ1 in year 2009
key="2009Champ1Race%" // Find result for all race in Champ1 in year 2009
key="2009Champ%" // Find result for all Champ in year 2009
key="%" // All cumulated result
-> mode = "DESC" or "ASC" Sort sum value descending or ascending
-> argv = same as Top
4. Add GLScript command for User Event.
nearUser( title,key,mode,argv );
Same as topUser but list is positionned on current username
if (isset($_GET['p'])) // if there is "?p=xxx" in URL
$p = $_GET['p'];
if(!file_exists("$p.html")) exit('Page does not exist.');
include_once "$p.html"; // include the requested page
// ?p=xxx is not in the URL => include a default home page