I believe an idea like this
could theoretically work for LFS, but I also think it would just turn it into an Iracing clone, and I know alot of people including myself, who refuse to pay monthly for a computer game (even tho LFS is more to me than just another PC game)
I know peeps who pay for WoW monthly, the kind who spend most of their time sitting infront of the PC (eating quick junk food and getting fat

One of the attractions of LFS is/was that you could pay for parts, S1 for just £12,
at the time I pre-paid for S1, PC games were £30+ in the shops and S1 was way better than most driving sims back then, when S2 came around spending another £12 was very easy and again well worth it IMO
The very idea of single price, play forever means I can take months off and I don't waste money.
Lets say if/when S3Alpha comes about, if it was priced at £24 I would gladly pay it without hesitation, pay once play forever, I think many others who don't like the monthly idea would too!
Like Zeug I love LFS, but if pay to play is introduced I would have to think long and hard before I signed up.
I do pay for the hi res skins (around £1 every 2-4 months approx) and don't mind paying for this, I would probably pay a little more if it was required