The online racing simulator
im getting always no results...

Airio files are uploaded, Mysql Database + SQL excecuted. Dont know whats wrong..
U missing launch the script !

I launch it for u, now is ok.

U need to remember to launch the script every XX minutes to see updated data regular.
Simple add in airio.cfg.txt the instruction to run the script every 60 minutes.
(fireb0llch) DELETED by fireb0llch
Quote from michele0676 :U missing launch the script !

I launch it for u, now is ok.

U need to remember to launch the script every XX minutes to see updated data regular.
Simple add in airio.cfg.txt the instruction to run the script every 60 minutes.

oh, alright! Thank you very much

I have a question: Is it possible, when you visit the site, it should automatically show the table without pushing the button "Show Results"? I already set up that it should only show the Playing Points on GTR and one Track.

And is it possible just show the table? Without the menu? So if you visit the site, it should automatically refresh the table and show the newest table with the menu etc.
Sorry mate !
I used a bad versione of page !

Use this one, work fine.

Sry again.
Attached files - 3.4 KB - 260 views
Quote from michele0676 :Sorry mate !
I used a bad versione of page !

Use this one, work fine.

Sry again.

No Problem, I thank you for fast fixing Thank you for your great Script!

Works great now.
Coooool !!

I'm one of the webmaster of my team, plz

Can i add your banner in our home in friendly teams ?

If yes can u send me a little banner to use for that ?
is there any chance to make this script work with iframe?

allready fixed it

so only i need to put it with a iframe

anybody knows how to do it?

done! thanks !
Ok... I finally got it working as I wanted it to work.

But there is one thing I cannot solve yet:

Every time the script.php should be activated by Airio I am getting an entry in the Airio log that the script timed out...

I am not sure if the script is executed correctly though, because I changed it a bit to filter just some cars - not all cars available in the stats files. So I would have to wait until someone drives a new PB...

Any clue why I am getting a time out error? If I activate the script manually it works perfectly...
Where do u put the script ? In the CFG or in SRV file ?
in one of the the srv files.
Can u try put him in the main cfg file ?

Other test: can in your webspace define advanced params that u can find in the script file config.php ?
no, I can´t define any further parameters... but I think the script.php runs to slow because my mySQL database is on another server and I also had to enable the memory and time switch in the config.php to 256MB to be able to run the scrip.

So I guess the script itself works but too slow for Airio to get a positive feedback...