Little insim proggy [Combo rotation]
I'm searching for a proggy that would do only one task really. I need it to do a basic combo switching every 2 or 3 races but:
- it's switches between all available combos ( no favs) so even abstract ones like bf1 @fe6 can come.
- it switches after 3 races but after each switch it goes for quali first that lasts for 20 mins ( then 3 races and next switch)
- there has to be two commands for server admin - to enable or disable the program. That's other functions are needed. Maybe airio can do it? If so, is there someone who can help configure it like it's needed?
Also would be great if the amount of races , lenght of races and quali would be changable via cfg/ini file or option in program itself.

I would love if someone would make such insim proggy if there is none.


ps. I can offer lfs server in return located in Poland (details can be talked out later)
bump... no one?
Funny how search engine works on this forum :P

Thx for the link. I just hope the author of the program is still online. Other that that it works quite well I'm just missing few things.

Thank You Silver
Well that program is a a very nice thing but was made for races only. Even with qual enabled it restarts a race after x minuts(set in setup). Author is not responding so i would like to re-request this app again. I can even pay small amount of cash for it if server i offered above is not needed.
Hi Kamo,

I made an app to do what you're looking for. It randomly gets a track/car combo (I disabled rallyx tracks to avoid SS/GTR rallyx, but I can put them back in if you like), and switches to it after every 3 races, and then gets a new random combo (and so on).

There's a settings panel for admins ($settings), that shows you the next combo (which you can randomise again with the button), the races needed for a restart (editable), the length of a qualy session (editable too) and the current amount of races completed. The next race laps are calculated based on the length of the track. There's also a button to enable/disable the app.

PM me if you're still interested

Attached images
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I'm so glad someone has turned up to help you kamo. I have been way to busy to even look on the forum, let alone rewrite that program. I also havent programmed in over a year now. I dont even think I could now lol!. Sorry mate..
That's ok . Thx for reply