(35 posts, started )
Hello Everyone,
Me and a few friends of mine have started a hosting company we are selling 47 slot servers for $3.76. we have a test server up the name is "SuperServerz" please fell free to check it out

Our site is (will be up asap)

Our server is located on east coast of USA

Server Specs:
Windows Server 2003
Intel Xeon 2.0 ghz processor
1GBPS connection

might be a few lag issues the first couple days while we get the small things set up we only expect a small lag bump

how long do the servers stay up for?
Quote from Bmxtwins :how long do the servers stay up for?

server isnt fully set up yet tho

we have option that u can select
  1. 1 month
  2. 3 month
  3. 6 month
  4. 9 month (may add this)
  5. 1 year
So why introduce it if it's not ready for orders yet?
Quote from broken :So why introduce it if it's not ready for orders yet?

the owner told me to D:we were expecting to have every thing set up by now :/ should be up by new years tho
#6 - wild
What happens if I were to buy a server from you, put my insim on it then the server died and I lose the copy on my machine, Do you have a backup policy in place? Encase the scenario happens
Once I get the old InSim app back, I might consider this. I can't afford anywhere else .
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :the owner told me to D:we were expecting to have every thing set up by now :/ should be up by new years tho

Sorry, but I thought that you are the owner of SC(SuperCrew) and therefore the owner of SuperServers.. And if it isn't you, just from curiosity, may I ask who it is?
#9 - Jakg
Whereabouts is this server located? (i.e. datacentre, whatever)
is there a control panel for buyers?
(Fire_optikz001) DELETED by Fire_optikz001
(Fire_optikz001) DELETED by Fire_optikz001
Quote from wild :What happens if I were to buy a server from you, put my insim on it then the server died and I lose the copy on my machine, Do you have a backup policy in place? Encase the scenario happens

yes we have backups in place

Quote from broken :Sorry, but I thought that you are the owner of SC(SuperCrew) and therefore the owner of SuperServers.. And if it isn't you, just from curiosity, may I ask who it is?

One of my friends

Quote from shaun463 :Once I get the old InSim app back, I might consider this. I can't afford anywhere else .

sounds good

Quote from Jakg :Whereabouts is this server located? (i.e. datacentre, whatever)

It is in a data center in Georgia, USA

Quote from Mustangman759 :is there a control panel for buyers?

yes it is not TCAdmin but it is similar
#13 - wild
Questions avalance
sorry i guess i should have been more specific
a state of the art Data Center in the prestigious Carrier Hotel( located in downtown Atlanta GA
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :Hello Everyone,
Me and a few friends of mine have started a hosting company we are selling 47 slot servers for $3.76. we have a test server up the name is "SuperServerz" please fell free to check it out

Our site is (will be up asap)

Our server is located on east coast of USA

Server Specs:
Windows Server 2003
Intel Xeon 2.0 ghz processor
1GBPS connection

might be a few lag issues the first couple days while we get the small things set up we only expect a small lag bump


1GBPS? didn't know that was possable...
Quote from kyler :1GBPS? didn't know that was possable...

yes it is why not look it up on google :/
Does the machine manage to handle it with no probs?
That was actually supposed to be a serious question..
Quote from broken :Does the machine manage to handle it with no probs?
That was actually supposed to be a serious question..

it as in?

If you want this to be a sucsess the work on the webpage. Work on the first tread, think true what people may be asking about then write it down and answere it make a faq.

The webpage looks werry unprofesjonal, work on it! the webpage looks werry unprofesjonal the way its now ( get rid of that BBS rim.)
You guys arent selling rims but renting out servers
Quote from Buzzn :Fire_optikz001:

If you want this to be a sucsess the work on the webpage. Work on the first tread, think true what people may be asking about then write it down and answere it make a faq.

The webpage looks werry unprofesjonal, work on it! the webpage looks werry unprofesjonal the way its now ( get rid of that BBS rim.)
You guys arent selling rims but renting out servers

lol ill tell my art guy about the rim thing
Not only does your site lack important information, the information actually provided is also terribly misleading!
The "About Us" wording suggests you're renting out an entire machine, with root privileges.

I doubt very much that this is a legal business at all to be honest
A couple of key factors come to mind, such as sui juris, commercial law and tax law. I also doubt you have acquired permission to use the wheel in your ... let's call it "design", so add copyright infringement to the list.

No offence, but this appears to be as much of a business as a lemonade stand, which by the way is illegal too in most cases.

Putting the legal issues aside, how many LFS hosts do you think you can run on that machine?
not sure looks like were gonna be closing down soon imo
I'm just wondering why advertise and offer 1 year server rental when you're unsure that it's even going to last that long...

(35 posts, started )