Just join FM FoX Junkies and you'll see that single-seaters of course provide close racing IF the drivers are good enough.
My proposal is FBM at Fernbay Gold/SouthCity Long.
Yeah and there you tend to get cars with wheels stuck together because people always rush the first turn... Last Lap Motorsports.... a race isn't won until the last lap.
I agree with Feuerdrache, but if we'll drive single seaters it should be FBM coz the FOX still seems to be hard to handle for some ppl (take a look at FOX JuNkiEs :razz.
The track should be one of the Fernbay configurations. I'd prefer Fernbay Black
Another alternative is IMO the NGT class with restrictions (UFBR...). I joined NDRs new public server earlier this day and it made a lot of fun.