The online racing simulator
#1 - Krane
Help diagnose a no POST boot problem
So ~3 weeks ago I upgraded finally... from an old pos with the speed of an abacus.

Asus P5K (vanilla)
NCP 4x2GB 800MHz DDR2
Radeon HD4830 w/ Accelero S1 (2nd hand)

From old PC
Akasa somethingsomething 460W
Samsung HD753LJ
Some Samsung Writemaster DVDRW (IDE)

It worked fine for 2 weeks, but when it was on continuously for 4 days or so on christmas week. It started to act up after that. What it does is pretty much the following:

In the morning I finally got it started, when I left to work I shut it down and left it to standby (not hibernate/standby, but fully shutdown standby, i.e. mains only on).

So I get back from work press power button, all fans, hd, dvd etc turns on, but no power on USB keyboard or USB cardreader and no video.

Shutdown with power button pressed 5sec. Switch mains off Pull the plug, switch mains on, leave it for 5mins. Mains off, plug the plug(or w/e the term). Mains on from the PSU switch, the MB power led switches on for ~1sec and switches off. I leave it be for 30min. Mains off and on, same thing led goes on and off. Try again, mains off/on. Led stays on, power button-> same thing when I started, fans start, no POST, no video.

Pull the plug, leave mains on, pull the network cable, repeat above.

Still no luck.

Edit: Repeat above couple times, then I remember something about someone needing and DVI->VGA adapter to succesfully boot their P5K. Pulled the DVI cable, instantly it started.... first time I tried that..

When I finally get it booted, it's rock solid stable. I'm just wondering is it the PSU or is it the MB, it was refurbished... I'd put the blame on it, but it could be the PSU too. Which it could be?
That sounds to me like you don't have enough power to suply at that momment.

Turn on the computer, wait a second and press the reset button. I'm pretty sure it will load everything fine .

At least mine did that for several weeks. Now I unpluged one of the HDD and there are no problems (450W power suply here)
#3 - Krane
Quote from Whiskey :That sounds to me like you don't have enough power to suply at that momment.

Turn on the computer, wait a second and press the reset button. I'm pretty sure it will load everything fine .

At least mine did that for several weeks. Now I unpluged one of the HDD and there are no problems (450W power suply here)

What's the rest of your specs?

PSU calc at Outervision says my setup needs a min 231W PSU... My PSU is about 3-4 years old, and I don't think it has aged nearly 50% in that time, as Akasa should be one of the better makes - the thing was nearly 100€ when I bought it! (Although, bootup is the most taxing time for a PSU, not even 100% cpu/gpu loads apparently match that)

If I get a new PSU it's going to cost me 50-150€, but if I RMA the MB it's free, if there's no problem in it, it might cost me - money or I'll be the talk of the day in the store employee's coffee table. Decisions, decisions.
Quote from Krane :So Pulled the DVI cable, instantly it started.... first time I tried that..
I'm just wondering is it the PSU or is it the MB, it was refurbished... I'd put the blame on it, but it could be the PSU too. Which it could be?

It may well be neither

I would look at first changing your monitor cable, just out of interest do you have a DVI to VGA converter plug in the back of the video card?
is you monitor one with native DVI or is it VGA?

The radeon cards normally swap outputs on restart if no device is detected, have you tried plugging the monitor cable in the other port?

good luck.

#5 - Krane
Quote from SparkyDave :I would look at first changing your monitor cable, just out of interest do you have a DVI to VGA converter plug in the back of the video card?
is you monitor one with native DVI or is it VGA?

Monitor is Samsung 225BW (it's dual, DVI and VGA, cable I'm using with the problematic PC is DVI, VGA is connected to 2nd PC. Althought I'm not entirely sure is it DVI-D or DVI-A. DVI-D most likely, why would they make DVI-A only DVI cables?
Quote :
The radeon cards normally swap outputs on restart if no device is detected, have you tried plugging the monitor cable in the other port?

It has been plugged to the other part occasionally when I forgot where it was the previous time, but mainly it's in the port closer to MB.
#7 - Krane
Quote from Whiskey :Krane - About 256W

When I bought my new PC I checked this calculator: ... pplyCalculator_right.aspx (but it's not working now for me. It don't load the options)

With my three HHD it gave 500, but with 2 it shows I need 450W, what was exactly my problem.

Try ... ulator/PSCalculator.aspx? that worked for me.

It show'd me the same 450W (with HD4850), that I believe my PSU could have aged during the ~4 years. Wierd, my brother-in-law has E7300/HD4850/2x2gb DDR2/2HDD/1xDVDRW and a IIRC 350W PSU and no problems. Although he has mATX board so maybe it isn't so power hungry.
That links works, it recomends me 500W

The problem is that all the fans and HHD start to reving up at the same time, and that is a lot of W. Maybe your brother-in-law have only one HHD and less fans
460W should be enough for that system. But I think your PSU might be broken. I had similar problems when my PSU started to break down.
First there was difficulties booting up the system. I had to reduce overclocking to get the computer booting (the overclocks were stable before). Sometimes I had to press the power button multiple times. Just like you the system ran fine when it was all booted up.

Then finally the PSU totally broke down and the computer wouldn't boot up no matter what I tried.

PS. That Asus PSU calculator show way way too much power needed. CPUs dont use up 200W nor HDDs use 50W.
Well it wasn't the PSU, today I bought a 1KW Nexus and still the same. Tried swapping the Radeon to another PCIe Radeon and to another known working PCI Geforce, no worky

Guess it is the MB.
Have you tried swapping the DVI lead for the VGA one going to the monitor?

Have you checked to see if you have a bios setting wrong (PCIE freq or devider, could be anything)

You are running everything at stock speeds right?

Good luck.

Quote from SparkyDave :Have you tried swapping the DVI lead for the VGA one going to the monitor?

Have you checked to see if you have a bios setting wrong (PCIE freq or devider, could be anything)

You are running everything at stock speeds right?

Good luck.



No, can't get to bios, since no POST. Haven't tried to clear cmos. When it was on, CPU-Z, ATI control center thingy etc all said everything was at stock speeds.

Yes, this upgrade was ~5 year jump forward it's enough for now as it is. If the darn thing would work.
Does it boot properly with just one stick of RAM in ?

I would try switching PSU off from the wall (or pull plug out) and clear the cmos, the P5K should auto detect everything on first startup, its well worth double checking in the bios screens if you can get it that far

remove all componants from the connectors on the board except PSU and fans, it should emit some beep codes when it fails to detect VGA card and/or HDDs then continue form there.

The asus p5k has always had boot probs, do you know what bios version you are running?

Quote from SparkyDave :Does it boot properly with just one stick of RAM in ?

I would try switching PSU off from the wall (or pull plug out) and clear the cmos, the P5K should auto detect everything on first startup, its well worth double checking in the bios screens if you can get it that far

remove all componants from the connectors on the board except PSU and fans, it should emit some beep codes when it fails to detect VGA card and/or HDDs then continue form there.

The asus p5k has always had boot probs, do you know what bios version you are running?


No. Tried different sticks at different slots.

Did that, no help

Only thing now connected is psu, cpu, 1stick ram, and power/hdd leds power button and a video card. Still no post
That case doesn't have a speaker, but I connected anothers case's speaker to it but it was dead silent.

The latest on Asus Global, v1201. It was preinstalled.

Quote :The asus p5k has always had boot probs

I see that now, should have researched. The thing was an impulse buy, it was 50% off and seemed like a good deal

Don't think it's cpu nor all ram sticks, so tomorrow when the shops open I'm going to RMA it. Although I read somewhere, you might get it started with PNY 667MHz memory and then manually fix the memory settings and then the original setup would work too. But apparently that isn't a permanent solution. And I don't have any extra DDR2 sticks, SDRAM and DDR1 sticks more than 10 laying around, but they don't help.

Update: it was the MB, the service said it's fried and they're going to refund it.