So many of you posting "I want a GF out of 2010". Have you tried actually talking to girls?
Personally I just ditched mine, but long ago I realised finding women isn't terribly difficult. You just have to accept you are going to get rejected - but usually we are scared of that because we 'love' someone too much to loose them, but what we love is the idea of them. That feeling of butterflies in your stomach, that's not love - that's nerves - and it's a wonderful fealing. The thrill of the chase! It's fantastic.
It's ok to be rejected, it's ok to run on adrenaline, and it's ok to be rejected. You tried, and that's so much better than fart arsing about for 3 years kicking yourself for waiting for the perfect opportunity that'll never arise because you're always looking for an excuse not to ask her out.
Just get over yourself, accept that getting it wrong is part of life, and start dating already.
I'm not beautiful, ask anyone who's been to the LFS meets, and i'm only out of love for as long as I want to be out of love. When I want a relationship i've found one within weeks.
It really is that simple.
You don't need chat up lines (although I personally love them, I love the intensity of the moment), you dont need guts. You just need to accept that she might not be the one.