Sound of "Rumblestrip"
(11 posts, started )
Sound of "Rumblestrip"
I have suggestions for improving sound of "Rumblestrip", when car moving on this element of track.
Sorry, my English is bad and I don't know whether this is a good definition.
Attached images
"Rumblestrip" is the word you are looking for.
So...what is your suggestion?
#4 - e.M
suggestion is to have a sound then drving on curb :spboba:
A sound when driving over saw-toothed kerbs. But as most tracks are currently bi-directional and hence have smooth kerbs, then not much sounds is made.
LFS should generate it by the tyre and suspension impacts (which was already suggested long time ago).

IMHO it musn't be a simple sound like in other games
I hope that new tyre physics and suspension update will bring this sound. LFS would be even more realistic.
I think that that sound should be very quiet, so it don't disturb you while you're driving, or so you can listen to your car... Or to music, like me.
Quote from matijapkc :I think that that sound should be very quiet, so it don't disturb you while you're driving, or so you can listen to your car... Or to music, like me.

Good observation. Should be option to adjusted volume of "Rumblestrip" sound in audio settings, like car sound or skid boost.
Yep, totally agree with this.
For anyone who uses a ButtKicker the bass tones generated by driving over rumble strips adds more immersion and feels great (as in Race 07 etc).
Inaudiable bass tones could be used as well to simulate bumps and smooth(er) rumble strips!
Most other driving games have this and i was really disappointed when my Buttkicker failed to give any feedback when hitting LFS curbs
Just an idea

@B1gch0pper exactly what it says, great with buttkickers, in other Games.

Sound of "Rumblestrip"
(11 posts, started )