The online racing simulator
Did I blow my engine?
(35 posts, started )
Did I blow my engine?
I hotlap with the FBM but after 10 or so laps the engine cuts off and applying the throttle does nothing. I checked the clutch temp and it's low so does this mean I blew the engine? How would I know when it would happen?
Did you checked your fuel ?
haha good idea

it's impossible to blow up the engine in LFS
it is possible, try accelerating to 6th then shift to 1st
false. go to the drag strip and after the line go from 5th to 1st and release the clutch. then after you stop try starting the engine
Quote :
LFS has also engine damage modelled so one needs to be careful not to damage the engine by misuse. The effect of engine damage is quite minimal, however, and in some cars you can shift quite recklessly without any visible or audible damage to the engine or transmission. Currently the transmission can't break at all, but engine damage is there. Cars are fitted with rev limited so it is harder to damage the engine with a bad upshift.
and heres an SPR of me killing an XFG!
Attached files
dead car.spr - 36 KB - 251 views
Wow, this is a good one. You can of course kill an engine in LFS but they die slowly

So my money's on the empty fuel tank

[Edit: unless you hit the "i" key by accident...]
#9 - Zay
Lol dude.
You can't blow up an engine in LFS and what happenned there was you ran out of fuel.
If you were running normally and then suddenly the engine cutrs off then you ran ouyt of fuel. Besides, if the engine blew up you would know it, because the engine would make a 'pop' noise and there (very likely)will be black smoke. If I were you I would go crawl up in a whole and hide from the hummiliation of of not figuring out something so obviously obvious, and plus, you could have just pressed F12 and it would say: Fuel:0.00%.
Quote from Zay :Lol dude.
You can't blow up an engine in LFS and what happenned there was you ran out of fuel.
If you were running normally and then suddenly the engine cutrs off then you ran ouyt of fuel. Besides, if the engine blew up you would know it, because the engine would make a 'pop' noise and there (very likely)will be black smoke. If I were you I would go crawl up in a whole and hide from the hummiliation of of not figuring out something so obviously obvious, and plus, you could have just pressed F12 and it would say: Fuel:0.00%.

Zay, you are so wrong lol, if you watch it again you will see that the car is getting steadily slower and then i kill it by going from 4th gear to 1st, seriously, if you still dont believe me try it for yourself, load up LFS pick the drag strip and use the XFG, i GUARANTEE you that you will kill your engine if you get to top speed and then drop the car into first.

Plus, if you had ANY knowledge of how LFS works whatsoever then you would know that engine smoke is not simulated as yet.

YOU are the one who needs to go crawl into a hole out of humiliation at your own total and utter lack of basic knowledge, you sir, have just failed at LFS.

I have attached another SPR of a dead engine, but not quite as dead as i made the last one, just to prove my point if needed, which it isn't, but just to keep you happy, here it is.

Before you start calling people out about LFS, make sure you know what you are talking about first.
Attached files
blown.spr - 10.5 KB - 180 views
Quote from Zay :Lol dude.
[snip...] because the engine would make a 'pop' noise and there (very likely)will be black smoke.

Oh that's just priceless!
Methinks you've never actually done this. The lols are on you as dan just pointed out. (But thanks for giving us a giggle!)

And isn't this the beginners forum? Where new people with no experience of LFS (or maybe any racing sim) should be able to ask questions without getting told they're stupid?
Quote from pingy72 :I hotlap with the FBM but after 10 or so laps the engine cuts off and applying the throttle does nothing. I checked the clutch temp and it's low so does this mean I blew the engine? How would I know when it would happen?

I remember how I once killed UFR engine after 12 laps at South City. (shifting down on high revs) All drivers were overtaking me slowly and I got no chance to keep with them on straights.
Quote from Zay :Lol dude.
You can't blow up an engine in LFS and what happenned there was you ran out of fuel.
If you were running normally and then suddenly the engine cutrs off then you ran ouyt of fuel. Besides, if the engine blew up you would know it, because the engine would make a 'pop' noise and there (very likely)will be black smoke. If I were you I would go crawl up in a whole and hide from the hummiliation of of not figuring out something so obviously obvious, and plus, you could have just pressed F12 and it would say: Fuel:0.00%.

Haha! That's rather hilarious.

You try to make yourself look clever by pretending you know something, then make yourself look like an idiot after you have been proven wrong!

I suggest you go crawl up in a hole. I also suggest you go back to school and learn the correct way to spell and use grammar.
As you can see here,it depends on the car you drive.
Quote from filur :I drove each car using [default] or [hard track] down the drag strip until hitting high revs in top gear (or running out of drag strip), dropped into 1st and held the car straight, after letting the car slow down i tried to drive back to the start and gathered some "damage ratings", totaled meaning the car could no longer move under its own power.
  • UF1 - totaled
  • XFG - heavy
  • XRG - very light
  • RB4 - very heavy
  • FXO - extreme
  • XRT - moderate+
  • LX4 - moderate
  • LX6 - light
  • RAC - very light
  • FZ5 - ~none
  • UFR - heavy
  • XFR - heavy
  • MRT - very light
  • FOX - light
  • FO8 - very light
  • BF1 - ~none
  • FXR - totaled
  • XRR - totaled
  • FZR - ~none
Engine fix (twice!) in 0 seconds, online / in race.

Quote from Zay :Lol dude.
You can't blow up an engine in LFS and what happenned there was you ran out of fuel.
If you were running normally and then suddenly the engine cutrs off then you ran ouyt of fuel. Besides, if the engine blew up you would know it, because the engine would make a 'pop' noise and there (very likely)will be black smoke. If I were you I would go crawl up in a whole and hide from the hummiliation of of not figuring out something so obviously obvious, and plus, you could have just pressed F12 and it would say: Fuel:0.00%.


Epic fail! dont try to act smart of you aren´t... it will only make you look even more stupid...
Thankyou for your support people!

I dont usually flame, but these were extra special circumstances which i feel called for it
#18 - Zay
Well, in the 2010-what did you achieve thread(when it comes) I will be putting down this:
Make myself look like a totall noobish fool on the official LFS forum.
And thank you to everyone who has made such kind replys to my amazing post
No offence intended mate, it just annoyed me a bit at the time coz you were so sure of something that was wrong

Fair play to you for being man enough to admit you made a mistake tho, im sure plenty of people would disappear once they realised and would go hide for a while until it all gets forgotten about, whereas you have come back into the thread and laughed about it, good man!
Yeah, he's man enough to admit his mistake, which is good.

I also know why the mrt gets next to no engine damage by doing this, it is because the clutch is instantly turned into melted cheese the very millisecond that you release it! :huepfenic
Whoa of all things I forgot to check the fuel gauge. I wrongly assume it was the engine or transmission since I am pretty aggressive on the gears.

Doesn't real open wheelers have some sort of flashing display when it's low on fuel? It would be great to have some sort of reminder in case of facing the chance of losing a race on the very last lap
Yes, it has struck me before that some sort of fuel warning would be rather bloody useful. We've all seen plenty of racers dribble to a halt and admit they've run out. Hell, most of us have even done it.

Dunno about race cars, but how many real cars have no fuel warning light?
(And surely it's not that crazy to have one even on an open wheeler??)

(I bet this is on the Improvements list?)
Quote from Neilser :Yes, it has struck me before that some sort of fuel warning would be rather bloody useful. We've all seen plenty of racers dribble to a halt and admit they've run out. Hell, most of us have even done it.

Dunno about race cars, but how many real cars have no fuel warning light?
(And surely it's not that crazy to have one even on an open wheeler??)

(I bet this is on the Improvements list?)

Are you telling me that other non open wheeler may not have fuel indicators? I thought the lack of addition on open wheelers is just to simulate real life cars even though it's odd that there's none to begin with.
Quote from pingy72 :Are you telling me that other non open wheeler may not have fuel indicators? I thought the lack of addition on open wheelers is just to simulate real life cars even though it's odd that there's none to begin with.

Well, I've never seen a fuel warning light (though all cars do have a fuel gauge of some kind, and there's always F12 too). And I just checked - the XFG ran out of fuel on me just now without ever giving me any kind of warning...

Did I blow my engine?
(35 posts, started )