At the end of the day guys, they're either not going to read the post - or they're going to read the post and lose morale reading things you write about them. I'm not saying you should right positive things about things you disagree with, but its better to say nothing at all than to insult peoples work. It doesnt help or solve any of the problems that exist within LFS. You have to remember the LFS dev's arnt robots, they're real people, and paying for an S2 license doesn't mean you're able to slag off their work and constantly pester them as some people in this forum do at the moment, if I was in there situation and actually read this stuff I would be on the verge of a mental breakdown, how can they code under such circumstances? Enjoy the game it is at the moment, look forward to the new patch whenever it comes and if you get bored of LFS while that happens then so be it, go play so - PLEASE.
Look at it this way instead, how many people can honestly say the VW would be there favourite car for more than a month with confidence? I would expect a very low number. The tyre physics are what I look forward to and they wernt announced back in early 09 were they? No they wern't. I understand fustration but that isnt the ticket to slag off other peoples work, nothing gives you that right I'm afraid.
The game you have at the moment is a good game in its own right, and dev's are trying to improve it. Constantly moaning isnt creative, and I wouldn't be suprised if that was the thing that breaks this game, and thats your fault - not the dev's fault for developing slowly. At the end of the day they get money for this and are not going to deliberately slow the process down, they're going to do as good a job as they can. If you can do a better job then please make a new game, I would love to play a game that can beat LFS at its own game

it would be amazing, but until then don't moan. It's not pleasant for the dev's to read these things after they work for however many years on a game. So shhh