Quite alot of snow here also. Nothing like what some of our northern friends have, 57cm thats just mad!!! but I guess that is the norm for them. I've not known it to snow this bad and for so long in what, 10-15 years?
Anybody else think we're heading into a Mini Ice Age?
Time to put the skates on and head onto the Thames!
ffs my school is pathetic. This morning they were open but my mum couldn't get up the drive so I had to go in my neighbours land rover. Then at ****ing break time they decide they are letting everyone leave at 1:30. Then at 1:30 they say go to your next lesson until you have permission to leave. Its ****ing pathetic I ain't going in tomorrow
I don't get it. Why are the schools closed because of snow? I'm sure UK has heard about roofs and walls and windows so there's no snow in the classrooms. With only a few degrees below zero, it can't be too cold either.
I remember all the UK guys saying "we don't need winter tyres in our country" in another thread. Guess it would have been a good idea to get some nevertheless.
we have had quite a bit but its stopped now, we're also meant to have 40cm over night and are in the "high risk" red area that they are highlighting on the weather