Don't look forwards too much to LFS .6a or S3 or w/e they're calling it these days. LFS progress is getting slower. I'm not going to quit playing LFS any time soon, I'm just saying don't look forwards too much for the next patch.
Anyways, here's LFS' progress over the last 2 years.
December 21st, 2007- LFS patch Y released to the public
July 2nd, 2008- LFS patch .5Z released to the public
First 7 months- You can see there's a lot of progress in a relatively short amount of time. Watch things slow down from here.
December 11th, 2008- VW scirocco announced
December 15th, 2008- VW scirocco postponed indefinitely
"We know this will disappoint many of you who have waited a long time for the Scirocco, and we are sorry about that. We plan to fix the bugs and continue developing the Scirocco suspension and electronic control systems, to give you a good patch early in 2009."
August 21st, 2009 (not very early in 2009)- New tire physics announced
September 21st, 2009- New LFS track and S3 announced
October 28th, 2009- An LFS test patch, Z25, is released as a "new full version" of LFS (no new cars, tire physics, or tracks included)
November 25th, 2009- Another LFS test patch, Z28, is released as a ''New, full version'' of LFS just like Z25 .
Thursday January 7th, 2010 A.D. Still playing a version of LFS compatible with patch .5Z of July 2nd, 2008, meaning it's been essentially unchanged for about a year and a half. A year and a half full of new and wonderful reports of things that may never come to your computer. You know, this may turn out like Duke Nukem Forever. lol I'll be every bit as excited as you whenever S3 comes out, but until then I'll still be racing you in LFS .5Z
Can't wait to be proven wrong,
Your friend JRS_4500

December 21st, 2007- LFS patch Y released to the public
July 2nd, 2008- LFS patch .5Z released to the public
First 7 months- You can see there's a lot of progress in a relatively short amount of time. Watch things slow down from here.
December 11th, 2008- VW scirocco announced
December 15th, 2008- VW scirocco postponed indefinitely
"We know this will disappoint many of you who have waited a long time for the Scirocco, and we are sorry about that. We plan to fix the bugs and continue developing the Scirocco suspension and electronic control systems, to give you a good patch early in 2009."
August 21st, 2009 (not very early in 2009)- New tire physics announced
September 21st, 2009- New LFS track and S3 announced
October 28th, 2009- An LFS test patch, Z25, is released as a "new full version" of LFS (no new cars, tire physics, or tracks included)
November 25th, 2009- Another LFS test patch, Z28, is released as a ''New, full version'' of LFS just like Z25 .
Thursday January 7th, 2010 A.D. Still playing a version of LFS compatible with patch .5Z of July 2nd, 2008, meaning it's been essentially unchanged for about a year and a half. A year and a half full of new and wonderful reports of things that may never come to your computer. You know, this may turn out like Duke Nukem Forever. lol I'll be every bit as excited as you whenever S3 comes out, but until then I'll still be racing you in LFS .5Z
Can't wait to be proven wrong,
Your friend JRS_4500