Game Booster
(12 posts, started )
Game Booster
hey all

I was just wondering how many of you use the "game booster" program

When i had my craptop I found it really useful. It shuts down unnecessary functions when your's really simple to use and is invaluable if your trying to run game on a lower spec PC. now that I have a good computer I just use it to boost FPS.

Just thought I'd share the info to help anybody who is gaming on a lower end PC or laptop.

Just google "game booster" ....(first link)
the problem with a lot of these programs is that they're full of crap. over the years i've seen so many "memory optimizers" and "memory defragmenters" and "speed boosters", but they're usually spyware of some sort, or just useless programs that don't really do anything.

that said, if you wanted to close your programs, why start them in the first place? msconfig can help you strip out the processes that run with windows.
true, i had a clean pc and it didn't do much....
very useful for me, I use Vista. (yes I am lazy and didn't bother to findout how to manually set these programs not to run at login/startup )

I wish it would save a preset or something so I don't have to choose everything again when I update it.
I just set my laptop to high performance (with the battery icon), and voila.
No 3rd party things required.
#6 - Seb66
Gamer booster actually works.. its not spywear or anything like that.
it tells you what its shutting down etc.. makes games run smoother.
A while ago i had a problem with my PC shutting down i ran game booster and i never got the problem after that.
These boost0rz are either spyware or they just crank up your GPU clocks until it fries. These programs are worthless, i dont recommend anyone to use it
Quote from hazaky :These boost0rz are either spyware or they just crank up your GPU clocks until it fries. These programs are worthless, i dont recommend anyone to use it

Some people already mentioned it closes backgroundservices and programs. Then I think "why start them up", like bunder9999 said. And how does that make games run faster. With the low memory prices game's aren't going to run much faster because there is plenty of memory in computers these days.
Quote from simulation :hey all

I was just wondering how many of you use the "game booster" program

When i had my craptop I found it really useful. It shuts down unnecessary functions when your's really simple to use and is invaluable if your trying to run game on a lower spec PC. now that I have a good computer I just use it to boost FPS.

Just thought I'd share the info to help anybody who is gaming on a lower end PC or laptop.

Just google "game booster" ....(first link)

It didnt help my craptop, i was hoping for a fps boost ..........but nothing of the sort
#10 - JJ72
It's just like "end it all", a programe that minimises background operation so you have more CPU cycle and RAM available, gives you some performance increase in games that are heavy in that aspect, say GTA4 or in a flightsim, also lessen stuttering.

My crap top is now really GPU limited, so it probably won't make a difference.
Just close applications you dont need in task manager from processes, like msn, internet browsers, basically all shit you dont need.
If you dont know what is what then google the name
Use services.msc + autoruns by SysInternals + procexp by SysInternals instead.

Game Booster
(12 posts, started )