good damaged/salvaged car website
(38 posts, started )
good damaged/salvaged car website
doe sanyone know of a site with quite a few damaged cars on to purchase as im looking for a project car to transform into a track racer in a few years so im really looking for something with soem damage so it brings the price down
#2 - Migz
Ever heard of google? If you had perhaps you would've found ebay. Which is probably one of the only sites you'll find second hand damaged cars on.

Also i don't want to seem insulting or anything like this but what's with all the threads? You've made like 4 in the last few days. Do you seriously need help with everything you do? Soon im expecting a thread to pop up saying "How do i wipe my arse?". Not to mention every thread you've made could've been sorted with a simple google.
Mind you i'd have no problem with you making all these threads if you knew what grammer and punctuation was.
Capital letter at the beggining of a sentence. I'm needs an apostrophe. Also please make a slight effort at spelling. you might be allowed on bluecycle im not quite sure. HBC is the best you will be able to get for stuff like that, all the others you have to be a trader i think.
Actually, i think you can go on you have to register though and then go to their headquaters and do something i can't quite remember, don't take my word for it though, their site doesn't say this but when i went down to chester with my dad he had to register or something in order to bid :\ Universal has about 500 cars going through most weekdays.
#5 - senn
just remember buying a damaged car is even more of a can of worms than buying a 2nd hand car.
If it was me, i'd probably buy a straight shell with suspension/brakes but no driveline. get my own motor and box and go from there.
Not really, any used car you buy could of had a bump just as bad but wasn't written off, atleast if you buy damaged its cheaper, you know what the damage is and know its been repaired properly, if you buy a lightly damaged car theres no difference in buying a used car in terms of what can go wrong.

Exhibit A:

Yep, they wrote it off for the damage on the wing.
Attached images
that mx5 looks almost perfect. That would cost what £50 to fix unless there is internal damage
that is really my point im not going to spend £1000's and £1000's on a great nick car when i can get something like that mx5 or something even more damaged then it will also be a project car for me to have for 2 years
Quote from Luke.S :that mx5 looks almost perfect. That would cost what £50 to fix unless there is internal damage

If you want a decent job done, maybe a bit more :P

Some places manage to do an unbelievably bad quality paint job.
Quote from Luke.S :that mx5 looks almost perfect. That would cost what £50 to fix unless there is internal damage

More like £300 for a quick job, £50 for the panel, labour required to gap it (more if a cheap panel is used), preparation including masking and removing storage paint (more labour if a cheap panel with paint that has to be sanded off is used), at least £20 of chassis black to do the inside of the wing, £50 worth of paint to do the body side. The cost would be much greater if you wanted a decent job and repainted more than just the panel to get the colour blended in better. If you wanted decent underbody protection to manufacturer spec then add some more to the bill. If the front wing has been damaged it is a fair assumption that the car took a knock on that corner and you'll probably need to do more than just bodywork.
Quote from ajp71 :The cost would be much greater if you wanted a decent job and repainted more than just the panel to get the colour blended in better.

I've never heard of surrounding non-damaged panels being painted to blend the colour in. If it's a good paint shop they should be able to get a pretty decent match.

Anyway, the paint finish of a repair is never as good as the factory finish (obviously), and if you're painting a large portion of the car, it's going to show.

The only time i've come across paintwork that is near factory finish is when we got our Saab repaired after a minibus damaged the front wing, and we had the paint done by Saab. You have to look proper hard to see any evidence that it might have been painted.
Ill give you an example of a cat b later that will shock you...

ajp, stop chatting through your arse, you and tristan make everything look a big job and not worth doing so people do the same things you do. I get damaged cars because id rather make money when i sell than loose. My dad's been doing salvage for over 25 years and when he comes to buy cars for personal use, he buys damaged cars, what does this tell you? Ive also seen him fix a car for £70,000 (car price included) then have it valued at £250,000 by the car manufacturer that made it. Theres money to be made and saved obviously not for you though.
Look in back of autotrader m8, plenty of breakers in there,

I got a P reg Megane u can have for £100
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Theres money to be made and saved obviously not for you though.

There is money to be made from buying damaged cars, in this example you'd probably be looking at £50 for a wing, £70 for paint/underseal/filler to do the job properly and maybe £20 for a new track rod end. If you do it yourself then you still can't avoid the cost of raw materials if you're going to do it properly. If you get someone else to do it you probably could still make a profit with a £300+ bill. Spraying a new panel with £10 worth of Halfords paint will devalue the car, it's worth more with a dent in it than a bad repair. Dodgey body repairs can quickly make a car worthless, I know this seeing as the Cougar I race was a perfectly good road car with a few scuffs and scrapes until some muppet decided to smoother filler all over it and then leave it to rust, every single panel was ruined in this way and the car needed a full respray, which no doubt the owner soon found out wouldn't be viable even if you owned a bodyshop.
im basically looking for something old and rwd preferably all the breakers and salvage ive seen are 2003 onwards cars
Where are you looking? Also look on pistonheads and filter damaged in titles in a car section of your choice.
Quote from ajp71 :and maybe £20 for a new track rod end.

If you are talking about the yellow MX-5, why the heck does it need a new track rod end? It looks as if it needs the tracking adjusting out as the outside edge of the tyre is wearing, but certianly no reason for a brand new part.
This is a Caterham CSR 250 or something, down as a cat b which means it couldn't go back on the road, it was in a fresh water flood, when we got it all the carpets were dry, it started first time and there were no sings of corrosion anywhere. Used it for a few trackdays then sold it to on to one of those coporate day companys like plamersport. This i an example of a waste of a car.

And another MX5 with little damage.

Theres good salvage to be had :P
omg caterham <3 absolutley love them and would love to have one
Some of the cars you get from salvage can make fun projects and learning curves, who knew a frozen water pump can cause you to snap a camshaft?

Lol, my dads sierra did that when it snapped the timing belt, it was around the timeframe that he had just instinctively dipped the clutch as it went, and i was saying to him "DO NOT lift the clutch pedal up again WHATEVER you do" he did it anyway, clang clang clang BANG!

I told him not to, but would he listen, dads know best apparently!

And as for that MX-5, thats practically nothing really is it.

When my mate bought the one i have now, he got it cheaper as it was a cat D write off, it had, and still has in fact, a tiny ripple in the bonnet on one side and a very small amount of paint has cracked where the crease is, practically unnoticeable unless you are looking for it.
#22 - Jakg
What are you looking to do to the car?

Will you be keeping the engine, suspension, anything else or not?

Will it need to be road worthy?

I've seen a lot of flood damaged cars with nackered engines go very very cheap - if you get the base diesel model or whatever you could take out all the crap, put a good engine / suspension in there and your set.
I dont think you can AFAIK depending on what category write off it is, if its a cat B or higher then it cant be put back on the road at all, which is stupid really in a few situations, such as flood damage etc.. if only there were sub categories on what actual damage has been done to a vehicle, it would stop so many motors going to waste just because 'on paper' it is a wreck.
Quote from brt900 :hi,
doe sanyone know of a site with quite a few damaged cars on to purchase as im looking for a project car to transform into a track racer in a few years so im really looking for something with soem damage so it brings the price down

I Have a bike with no front wheel if that counts, Want it?
ill just clear it up would like something with sporting potential preferably rwd bit of a long shot and will not be put back on the road. also if possible a lot of tuning parts available

good damaged/salvaged car website
(38 posts, started )