The online racing simulator
Regardless.. My plan will work. Everything always turns out for the better.
Quote from Drift1r :i would let girls watch me. yep.

Just get some lesbian porn and get it out of your system, seriously, as later on in life you may come to realise that most lesbians aren't terribly into lipstick and have at least some butch in them: Or as a good lesbian friend of mine once put it, "Yup, I stopped for every girl that looked at my [HGV] truck and was never dissapointed".

And to be honest my beauty isnt in my body anyway, don't get me wrong i'm not self hating and have plenty of self belief and confidence, it doesn't come from being a looker. Having a tug over me would be like marrying your winning prize from a pull-a-pig night.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Regardless.. My plan will work. Everything always turns out for the better.

If you have that little respect for her that you'd have the audacity to even try such a thing, and she is self hating enough to take you back after the way you treated her, then it will. I know many relationships that recovered from cheating.

Mine never will because I have self respect and I know I deserve someone who'll treat me like a Princess, as I will them.
Quote from The Very End :Disagree

Tor. I guess you don't have that good ol' Canadian charm.

Learn it, it's useful
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Tor. I guess you don't have that good ol' Canadian charm.

That really makes you sound like a womaniser, and I feel really sorry for her.
I won't deny that I am. Although less than people might think, seeing I did see THE SAME girl for nearly 2 years, and didn't treat her that poorly, there was just 1 thing to push her over the proverbial edge.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I won't deny that I am. Although less than people might think, seeing I did see THE SAME girl for nearly 2 years, and didn't treat her that poorly, there was just 1 thing to push her over the proverbial edge.

I just read back and am still under the impression you where quite available to other women, and that the reason she dumped you was because you where taking side orders from them?

If that's not the case I appologise for missunderstanding and posting innapropriately, if that is the case though, then you havn't been seeing the same girl for 2 years - you've used and abused a girl for 2 years whilst using and abusing others.

Maybe i'm old fashioned, I know I have friends who go for open relationships and enjoy life that way - but if you enter a closed relationship then it's closed. Period.
I have been with kirsty for 4 years and i can honestly say that i have never even considered cheating on her with anyone else, if people feel the need to cheat then surely that says something about the relationship that they are *supposed* to be in, if they considered, or in fact did go elsewhere then surely there was something wrong with/missing from that initial relationship? Well thats how i see relationships anyway, if people end up straying then theres got to be something about that relationship that doesnt do it for them in the first place, or maybe cheaters are just easily bored, who knows.
It hasn't been an open relationship, it's been perfectly closed, and there's not been anyone on the side from both parties.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :It hasn't been an open relationship, it's been perfectly closed, and there's not been anyone on the side from both parties.

Then i'm sorry for missunderstanding your post a couple of pages back, I was responding to you under the impression 'if she took you back you'd feel it was ok to cheat on her again'.

Quote :I have been with kirsty for 4 years and i can honestly say that i have never even considered cheating on her with anyone else, if people feel the need to cheat then surely that says something about the relationship that they are *supposed* to be in, if they considered, or in fact did go elsewhere then surely there was something wrong with/missing from that initial relationship? Well thats how i see relationships anyway, if people end up straying then theres got to be something about that relationship that doesnt do it for them in the first place, or maybe cheaters are just easily bored, who knows.

Kirsty is absolutely lovely and I can see how easy it is to keep on the straight and narrow with her. I was talking to me ex tonight when she came over to pick up the last of her stuff, trying to figure out what was missing for her to have cheated on me, only i'm not sure anything was lacking. Her infidelity does appear to be somewhat systemic as she's cheated on her previous partners too.

Which reminds me of another friend of mine, who freely admits that she's totally unable to keep her hands (and other body parts) to herself, and consequently won't enter a closed relationship. If she did i'd have to say i'd be first knocking on her door because she's absolutely wonderful - but she's the honesty to admit she can't do it.

I guess for some people it isn't about the relationship at all, they just can't commit to one person - but perhaps that's not a die cast rule. It's just my recent experience.
She's overly sensitive.. she gets jealous really easily, so I feel as if I have cheated simply for hanging out with another girl... It's a shitty feeling, but I'd take that over what I feel like right now.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :*yap yap*

now last few pages i been doing this fake sexist thingy of mine when im bored.

but u sir, are the sexist twat, u seem like u got no respect for ur girl.

let her go and live her life, while you find some slut who has no self respect so it doesnt matter if ure a twat.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :She's overly sensitive.. she gets jealous really easily, so I feel as if I have cheated simply for hanging out with another girl... It's a shitty feeling, but I'd take that over what I feel like right now.

Being of a cynical disposition I often feel that way myself and it's something i'm conscious of and had to find a solution too, the best by far i've found is that I never got jealous of when my partner is seeing people I knew. If i've met someone then I know what they're like, and I know my partner isn't lying to me when they tell me about it later and i'm totally comfortable with it.

When my recent ex, and indeed earlier partners, saw people I didn't know - especially when they where gay girls (ie: elligeable) - I found myself getting really jealous and from experience i've found they only do this when they are hiding something.

It's totally ok for my partners to have a best friend who's also a gay girl, and even single, who isn't me. I'm good with that, I just can't handle it if i'm isolated from contact with that girl myself.

Perhaps that's something which might help your situation?
No thanks, I'd rather have someone I want.

I get jealous too, but.. I manage it somehow.. Maybe via drinking more coffee.
sorry dawedust, im pretty sure a few pages back you have blatently said you have cheated, slept with, and everything on your ex.

i remember you saying you wouldnt even mind typing it up because you knew you wouldnt have been caught...and if she cheated on you you would dump her so fast.

you were also calling her bad names if i recall
Dawes just seems like an arsehole to me tbh

Anyone who thinks cheating is fine in a closed relationship, is just wrong IMHO.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :
I cheated a few times, and still do without being caught relatively often

And here.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Maybe I'm a heartless monster, becuase I feel absolutely no guilt from cheating. I mostly like it because of the risk of "OMG I COULD GET CAUGHT".

Your posts prove you have!
Meh, It's easy to be a judge on the internet. Hell, I think about 110% of this forum are ****s (I know that more people will come, that are ****s, so more than there are right now are ****s ).

Oh well, what's the wrost that can happen, I can't lose her even more now.
im just proving that you should be more careful and appreciate the people you are with, and maybe 'man up' to what you have done to take her for granted.

i always try to be a nice, and respectable person, so do you think i am an arsehole
hrmm. So not just a cheat but a liar with it too.

Sadly it's the lying which really hurts the most when you're in a relationship, because it breaks down the communication and takes away so much of the sharing nature of being in love and replaces it with a silent and frustrating anguish. To be cheated on, the process before you find out you're partner is a womaning low life arse - that time when you hold on to what was precious thinking you might get it back - those are the worst times of a relationship, worse even than descovering that you where right.

You've done that to this woman and you want to do it to her again - and you're bragging about it on the internet?

When we used to talk on team voice chat a few years back you where - if a little annoying at times, a half decent kid with his heart in the right place, but you've become a monster of a man.

Whilst I feel sorryest of all for her and the treatment you're giving her, I can't help but feel a little sad for you too - because from what i've read, and from what I now see reading this, I can't help but feel that you'll never truly connect with anyone.

We've all read in disgust your constant boasts of conquest over this forum for the last few years, and now with what you've said here I can't help but feel that your idea of love seems focused on a release of hormones you're unable to control.

Worse is that you have always posted with the casual disdian toward this community, probably to the extent that you've half convinced even yourself that your not posting seriously - when by the sounds of things - you've seriously screwed up the first few years of a young womans adult life.
I'm pretty sure she screwed it up before I came along.

Regardless, I don't much care, as you guys are seeing it through a window the size of a pea, when there's this massive 20 foot LCD to see.
Quote from Becky Rose :I can't help but feel that your idea of love seems focused on a release of hormones you're unable to control.

Thats what love is, true love is very rare, if not just a myth.
I'd say my opinion on what "true love" is.. but I don't much care to feed le trolls this time.
Quote from 5haz :Thats what love is, true love is very rare, if not just a myth.

No, love is so much more. I do sometimes wonder though if we only really appreciate love when we loose it, because when we're in love it manifests in such small ways: Like serving dinner and giving your lover the serving that looks the nicest; or knowing what she's thinking but wanting to hear her say it anyway.

Hormones are part of sex and for me sex doesn't even come into it, I meen it's grand and all and quite good fun but given the choice between sex and racing i'd head out onto the race track. Give me the choice between racing and a night spent talking to someone I love, and i'd take the talking.

Hormones are just urges desires and wants. Love is feeling connection and satisfaction, a combination of both complete hapiness within yourself and wanting the same for your partner, where life is mutually shared and expressed in a connection well beyond hormones.

Hormones you can share with anyone without ever knowing their name.
So, to sum it up...

First you come to ask for advice from nice people here, then when you don't like the answer, everybody is an judgemental ass?
Don't know how you do it, I don't usually take advice from people I have no respect for.

Oh, and poor girl in question somehow "screwed it up" even before she met you?
That's some serious shit your ex has there. She better get her act cleaned up or something.

I'm sorry, but you're an douche.

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
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