(FM) FoX JuNkieS-Admins or Gods!?
(24 posts, closed, started )
(FM) FoX JuNkieS-Admins or Gods!?
I dint suppose that the members with "FM" infront of their nickname are gods but not admins. the first example is with nofear88bg ([NFR]Smiley) he was banned with no reason he just argued with the admin.
The second example is with me "Grigorov" (Fishy) during the race i was crashed by other racer who has no idea to use the brakes for the turn. I lefted to spectators and i asked the admin who banned the racer from the first example - "i asked him why all the admins are racing and nobody are doing they'r work". His reaction was to go to spectators with the following words "i will do my job now" and he kicked me. I rejoined and i asked him if that's a behavior of a admin and he said me "thats he will do whatever he wants" in the same time 1 of the racers in the server said me to "not argue with the admin" (but i was absolutely right). Then i askt him this question "what you think, do you have admin behavior,or you are god and you can ban or kick everyone with no reason!?"
the next thing that happened was my ban (from this admin [FM]Fras) again without reason!
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(Luke.S) DELETED by Luke.S
#2 - 5haz
The majority of FM admin seem pretty fine to me, however I have come across a few complete arse holes, no names mentioned.
atleast we got you to start participating in this forum
#4 - wild
I've asked the admins that were around at the time as to exactly what had happened. The response I got from them that firstly "[NFR]Smiley" was banned after behaving inappropriately e.g telling an admin to "shut the f up". [NFR]Smiley has been banned for 12 hours.

From what I've heard you were constantly arguing, telling us how we should administrate our own server. May i just add you were banned by people that were on the server at the time, not the [FM] team members. Your ban is also 12 hours.

Just to add to your point, "why are all the admins racing and not doing their job" Is there anywhere in our or anyone else's rules where says we are not allowed to participate in our own racing server? I don't think so. We are allowed to have fun and race, we cannot watch every single incident, that's why we created a forum where you can posts reports and such in.
Quote from wild :I've asked the admins that were around at the time as to exactly what had happened. The response I got from them that firstly "[NFR]Smiley" was banned after behaving inappropriately e.g telling an admin to "shut the f up". [NFR]Smiley has been banned for 12 hours.

From what I've heard you were constantly arguing, telling us how we should administrate our own server. May i just add you were banned by people that were on the server at the time, not the [FM] team members. Your ban is also 12 hours.

Just to add to your point, "why are all the admins racing and not doing their job" Is there anywhere in our or anyone else's rules where says we are not allowed to participate in our own racing server? I don't think so. We are allowed to have fun and race, we cannot watch every single incident, that's why we created a forum where you can posts reports and such in.

I don't care about the ban but i care about the rubish administration in this server. You are right about to have fun and race and you cannot watch every single incident but in the server with more than 25 racers in race 50% of them that are new and they try to win the race before the first turn and the presence of more than 3 or 4 mass crashes in one race one of the admins needs to be a spectator.
3 admins and they are all in the race and nobody care about the anarchy on the track
#6 - pik_d
I think it's a bit unfortuante that you're not going to learn from your ban, but instead feed a persecution complex.

Admins are not the same as a government where they owe something back to the people that are around them. They are gods and lords of their server. If you don't like it, it's quite easy to choose another server (and hopefully think a little more before you speak).

You of course can argue with the admins (I know I do) but you do so at your own risk and should be mature about it when they don't want to deal with you berating them.
#7 - wild
Quote from Grigorov :I don't care about the ban but i care about the rubish administration in this server. You are right about to have fun and race and you cannot watch every single incident but in the server with more than 25 racers in race 50% of them that are new and they try to win the race before the first turn and the presence of more than 3 or 4 mass crashes in one race one of the admins needs to be a spectator.
3 admins and they are all in the race and nobody care about the anarchy on the track

Of course we care about our administration. We usually have someone around who is not racing that can administrate, but not always. We also do a bit whilst we are racing, e.g. kicking the noobs standing on track etc..

This is also one of the reasons we have the kick-vote system in place, so that if an admin is not around or racing you can start a kick-vote.
Quote from wild :"[NFR]Smiley" was banned after behaving inappropriately e.g telling an admin to "shut the f up"..

This is not true.

Everythink come from the big ego of admins!
Quote from wild :I've asked the admins that were around at the time as to exactly what had happened. The response I got from them that firstly "[NFR]Smiley" was banned after behaving inappropriately e.g telling an admin to "shut the f up". [NFR]Smiley has been banned for 12 hours.

From what I've heard you were constantly arguing, telling us how we should administrate our own server. May i just add you were banned by people that were on the server at the time, not the [FM] team members. Your ban is also 12 hours.

Just to add to your point, "why are all the admins racing and not doing their job" Is there anywhere in our or anyone else's rules where says we are not allowed to participate in our own racing server? I don't think so. We are allowed to have fun and race, we cannot watch every single incident, that's why we created a forum where you can posts reports and such in.

Haven't tell the admin to shut up i told that to 1 racer that started telling me that i can't argue with an admin why not?!I haven't been in race and i got banned - this is rediculous.[FM]Fros the man who do that,I have no complain to other admins,but this one really thing that he is God!I think owners of this server has to do smthin in order to keep the players.[FM]Fros that is not the way an admin should behave,have it in mind.And grow up!
Man I would really love to see these replays (and this thread locked).
Quote from wild :Of course we care about our administration. We usually have someone around who is not racing that can administrate, but not always. We also do a bit whilst we are racing, e.g. kicking the noobs standing on track etc..

This is also one of the reasons we have the kick-vote system in place, so that if an admin is not around or racing you can start a kick-vote.

Kick/Ban system is the wrongest thing in your server.Everyone noob can click on it without prooved reason and mass of noobs witch haven't seen the happening. (as they do!)
#12 - wild
Okay I'll look into it further, if you could please provide the replay? Since you've already got the screenshot I'll presume you have the replay.
Quote from wild :Okay I'll look into it further, if you could please provide the replay? Since you've already got the screenshot I'll presume you have the replay.

I shoot the screen with PrintScreen button seconds befor the ban.
And i haven't got time to save the replay.....

Did you see enywhere on the screenshot chatboard voting for my ban!?

Or the ban was from an admin!?

What do you think!?
The issue is your approach.

Admins are not required to babysit their servers. If there are admins spectating to monitor a server, consider it a blessing, not a right.

If you have an issue with someone on track, all you have to do is politely get an admins attention and ask them to review the situtation.

Racing on a server provided by the very team you are a member of does not mean you are employed to kick/ban people for their behavior.

Simply put, if you give an attitude, you're going to get an attitude back.
Quote from z-ro 8 :The issue is your approach.

Admins are not required to babysit their servers. If there are admins spectating to monitor a server, consider it a blessing, not a right.

If you have an issue with someone on track, all you have to do is politely get an admins attention and ask them to review the situtation.

Racing on a server provided by the very team you are a member of does not mean you are employed to kick/ban people for their behavior.

Simply put, if you give an attitude, you're going to get an attitude back.

Yes you are absolutely right, but i get very different attitude back ,be sure about that.
Next time you race , press the "-" key and don't touch it again.
Quote from Ger Roady :Next time you race , press the "-" key and don't touch it again.

Good idea I'll do it if i am in FOX JU..... server.
The good admins are the ones you never see or hear until your messing about and doing something other than racing in there server.

The good Admins practise what they preach.

They don't have God complexes ,they know how much pleasure and fun racing can be when everyone is there to do it, and its there reason for wanting this frustrating job.

Where's the replay?.
Quote from JohnPenn :The good admins are the ones you never see or hear until your messing about and doing something other than racing in there server.

The good Admins practise what they preach.

They don't have God complexes ,they know how much pleasure and fun racing can be when everyone is there to do it, and its there reason for wanting this frustrating job.

Where's the replay?.

I told ya i don't have replay
I have auto replay on and delete every evening the not used replays " hint , hint "

Edit asks " is it possible to make them self erasing ? lets say after 5 days? maybe a improvement suggestions "
Here is a perfect example of why I havent been racing since november.
All day long You can fight and argue with people about whatever, and as an admin is really isnt fun at all. I could ban people every day for wreckless driving, careless behaviour etc, but believe You me, it isnt any fun. I feel pretty confident speaking for the majority of admins on any server, that they indeed do not wish that they have to kick/ban/argue and so on with people all day.

But sure admins can make some bad calls now and then out of frustration and so fourth..
That is why we had so much fun in S1 !!!!, when racing was racing , and not about giving eachother room and banning people for making just 1 !!!!! mistake.

it happens to me a lot in S2, making 1 mistake in about 100 races or so, and they will ban you for life. Thats Crap !!!!!!

In normal racing , crashes happen.

If they kick crashing drivers out of the F1 for example , for making 1 mistake, there wouldn't be much drivers left at the end of the season.

So i agree ; Kicking / Banning people is the most useless thing in the server systems
Quote from Ayreon :
So i agree ; Kicking / Banning people is the most useless thing in the server systems

No it is not. If it is done the way like CTRA used it to do in the past time ,with a replay and send from the guy who is arguing, it is the way it should be done, in my oppinion. Can't believe they give up
Quote from z-ro 8 :The issue is your approach.

Admins are not required to babysit their servers. If there are admins spectating to monitor a server, consider it a blessing, not a right.

If you have an issue with someone on track, all you have to do is politely get an admins attention and ask them to review the situtation.

Racing on a server provided by the very team you are a member of does not mean you are employed to kick/ban people for their behavior.

Simply put, if you give an attitude, you're going to get an attitude back.

Just going to echo that one for future...

Please take any further queries regarding server specific bans / policies to the website / forum / email of the servers admins / teams.

In this case: http://www.fragmaster.net/fm/m ... e=PNphpBB2&file=index

In addition this thread could be useful for those who have been banned:
This thread is closed

(FM) FoX JuNkieS-Admins or Gods!?
(24 posts, closed, started )